365 account sync to AD on prem

Copper Contributor


I have created an email address and user name directly in 365 admin, but the same user needs to be added into AD server on prem as I need to add into emails groups and I can only add to groups on AD server then it will sync , but is there a script or something that I can add from account from 365 admin to the on prem server so I can add groups etc ? I don’t want to delete and recreate as user is already using emails 

thank you - I’m new to this 

7 Replies
What would the best way be , can I create manually in AD then it would sync to the current account already there ?
Create a user in your on-premises AD and use the soft-match mechanism to "link" it to the Azure AD user: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/how-to-use-smtp-matching-to-match-on-premises-user-account...
Thank you , is this the only way ? Or is there a PS script or something

@andy471100 you can use also the Hard match as well. please check below document I attached to know how to hard match a user in AD with the O365 


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What is your current setup on DS? On-prem AD then sync to AAD?

Hi , normally add user accounts to on-prem AD then it will sync after some time to 365 with email address etc, but now it’s just been added to 365 without the on-prem option, can I sync the directory again ?
You can create the users on AD on prem and match them with the existing users on O365 . U can use the hard matching or the soft matching. When users are matched, they will appeared syned in your O365 portal and not cloud only