We’re excited to announce the General Availability of our Transactable Container offers (for Kubernetes Apps) in Azure Marketplace. Some of the key high-level capabilities and benefits we have shipped include:
- Ability to go-to-market in 48 hours via automated pipeline.
- Enhanced security for your products and your customers via automated malware and vulnerability scanning during publish. Since threats constantly evolve, we also provide post-publish automated scanning support.
- Enhanced automated certification to catch basic deployment errors before an offer is published to Marketplace
- Easy search, browse, navigate, and deployment experience via Marketplace and Azure Portal.
- Support for one-click deployments, and productivity enhancement via CI/CD pipeline integration for offer publishing, and Azure CLI integration for deployments.
- Integrated purchase, invoicing, payments via Azure Commerce. Integrated native billing supporting 6 pricing models and extended flexible pricing via custom meters. Supports MACC decrement too.
- More detailed insights about customer behavior and trends at the offer, plan, meter level with the ability to maximize your growth potential via IP co-sell opportunities.
To learn more, visit https://aka.ms/AzureMarketplaceContainerOffers.
To explore, view, deploy and transact on the Kubernetes Apps in the Marketplace catalog already, please visit: https://aka.ms/KubernetesAppsInMarketplace.
For additional info on partner benefits, please visit: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/partner-center/marketplace/overview#why-sell-with-microsoft.
Updated May 15, 2023
Version 1.0AarathiNarayanasamy
Joined May 10, 2023
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