Forum Discussion
Jun 29, 2023Copper Contributor
SharePoint - Issue Restricting Folder Access
Hello, I have a sub-folder where I have set up custom permissions separate from the parent folder. This folder is restricted and should only be accessed by 1 person. Even though they are set...
Jun 29, 2023Copper Contributor
Did you first strip all permissions, then re-assign permission? Also, did you break inheritance? These are some things I have failed to do before and that could cause your issue.
Jun 29, 2023Copper Contributor
Yes I have done all of that. Only owners and the 1 user should have access based on what I can see
- terribleporpoiseJun 29, 2023Copper Contributor
I sometimes get contradictory permissions information based on the "Manage Access" option from the folder drop down and from the classic view settings.
Do you see anything odd in here? Perhaps sharing links.
- DJJJonesJun 29, 2023Copper ContributorManage access shows the same as the classic view options
- terribleporpoiseJun 29, 2023Copper Contributordang, i suppose this won't be an easy fix then. I'll keep it in mind and hopefully something populates subconsciously.