Forum Discussion
Displaying list on SharePoint site
I have a SharePoint site with multiple lists. I have a powerapps app to maintain them. I would like to display a portion of the information on a different SharePoint site. I'd like the data to always be up to date without manually needing to modify the page. What I would like to do is to show some of the list columns and have the list filtered. I would have 3 sections, each would contain some verbiage (maybe a paragraph) and then a table showing the list columns/rows associated with that paragraph (formatted nicely). I do not want the list data to be edited/added/deleted - just viewed.
I tried creating a view but that allowed information to be changed. I thought maybe I needed to use a flow to create a HTML file but that didn't really seem right either. I'm thinking accessing the data from a different site could be an issue.
How can I do this? If there's a video that I can follow or step by step instructions that would be great.
Hello leeguth
you can view any items with Search in other sites or pages.
With the ootb web part highlighted content it's possible to show elements on other sites, but it's not possible to customize the visualization:
Other: You can use the PnP Modern Search Web Parts with highly customization to show element on other sites:
Best, Dave