Forum Discussion

Sascha Becker's avatar
Sascha Becker
Copper Contributor
May 07, 2018

Create a sharepoint teamsite for an existing Team/Group

Dear Microsoft-Team,


we have the following problem:


We had an Office 365 Group which was converted into a Team according to the tutorials found on your websites. 

Now we want to create a sharepoint teamsite for that team.



We can't find the option to create a teamsite anywhere within Microsoft Teams or the Office 365 Admin Console (Group section).

When I go to Sharepoint and create a new site I cannot find the option to create from an existing team/group (that's what worked perfectly when creating a new team from an existing office 365 group) and when I try to use the existing name/group-mail-address it gives me an error saying the name is already in use.



Create a sharepoint teamsite for our existing team (which was created from an existing Office 365 group) without having to use a new name or creating a new group/e-mail address which we don't need.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Sascha Becker

  • Every Group has already an associated (modern) team site.

    There are several ways to access it: for example, you could access the Group through OWA, click the three dots ("...") and choose "Site".

    After that, if you follow the site, you will be able to access it through the SharePoint landing page.

    Hope it helps... 

  • Also from within Teams, you can click the Files tab of a channel in the Team and choose "Open in SharePoint" which will open the file location in SharePoint which is where files are stored for Teams. This is the SharePoint site tied to the Team / Group.
    • Sascha Becker's avatar
      Sascha Becker
      Copper Contributor
      Thank you Christopher, worked as well.

      Like I said in my reply to Salvatore's answer, the problem was that I assumed that all sharepoint sites of teams I am the owner or member of would be shown initially, but in this case I had to follow it manually.
  • Every Group has already an associated (modern) team site.

    There are several ways to access it: for example, you could access the Group through OWA, click the three dots ("...") and choose "Site".

    After that, if you follow the site, you will be able to access it through the SharePoint landing page.

    Hope it helps... 

    • Sascha Becker's avatar
      Sascha Becker
      Copper Contributor

      Thank you Salvatore,


      that did the trick. What got me confused is that the site didn't show when I opened the Sharepoint app since all the sites from my Test-Teams showed up.


      Guess there is a difference how you create a team or a group as in auto following the associated sharepoint site or not.


      Works like a charm now
