Forum Discussion

senerdagasan's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 23, 2019

OneDrive Sync Client Error with Sharepoint 2019 on-premise

I followed these steps for install,


I configured GPO for client. But i'm having trouble while syncing.

It says "There was a problem connecting to OneDrive" with Error Code: 0x8004de40

i have examined error with fiddler; it gives http 400 error. 

after that i looked uls logs 


RESTSPFileSyncService.ProcessRequest: Exception happened Microsoft.SharePoint.FileSync.ClientSyncBadRequestException: sync scope id is null   

 at Microsoft.SharePoint.FileSync.SyncRequestProcessorBase.GetSyncDataRetriever()   

 at Microsoft.SharePoint.FileSync.SyncRequestProcessorBase.ProcessRequest(SyncRequestContext context)   

 at Microsoft.SharePoint.FileSync.Endpoint.ProcessRequest(SyncRequestContext requestContext)   

 at Microsoft.SharePoint.FileSync.RESTSPFileSyncService.ProcessRequest(String path, Stream input).


I couldn't find anything about this error: Sync Scope id is null ? 

What i'm doing wrong?

  • GucluOzturk's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hello senerdagasan 


    I've been struggling with the same nightmare for all day. So, my solution was removing my sites hosting web application and re-creating with English template instead of Turkish. Afterwards, next gen onedrive sync client started working as expected.


    This might be an encoding/language/datetime issue with web services serving to client. Still I am thinking of opening a case since the customer would be wanting to use my sites in neutral language.


    Thanks for hinting me with your username and being only one having same exception. Lol.




    Konsaltus Ltd.



    • DagasanSener's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hello and thanks for your reply GucluOzturk , i  tried but removing mysite and re-crating with English template didn't worked for me 😞 .

      I also installed October 2019 CU .


      Did you open case for this issue?





