Forum Discussion
MacOS Monterey - Disable Files on Demand
- Jan 03, 2022That sounds strange. I would expect it to be one or the other as you say. On my own Mac running Monterey I cannot duplicate your issue. As you say, you can't disable FOD from the OneDrive client settings but you should be able to do this with a PList as per
Same problem for me. I cannot imagine why this was changed by Apple. I have found when I look at the OneDrive icon in the top toolbar, it shows a files as being synced/downloaded. But it is not in the spot in OneDrive where it should be. Also, when you click the OneDrive with down arrow icon and download files, it any file is added by someone who shares the folder, the icon reverts to undownloaded. Then you have to redo the download.
MS tech's only solution was to use Sharepoint. If you have done so and it works, please let me know. Thanks.
- obaskirtJan 26, 2022Brass Contributor
I am having the same problem. The app automatically updated and killed my day and still struggling. The option "always keep on device" does not download the files and all my work projects are under One Drive and I could not work today and still cannot work. I don't know how to solve this issue, at worst I will manually download files and work them locally with out using One Drive but I am not sure how to update it maybe do it manually time to time. This is a huge epic fail and very bad breaking change for all of us.
- DavidBurbidgeJan 25, 2022Brass Contributor*if any file is added...
- Yann GourvennecJan 25, 2022Brass ContributorHi David, as I wrote above, I've let sleeping dogs lie for a while and I was right to. This very afternoon, Onedrive stopped syncing and after a little while it crashed altogether. I had to reboot and upon restart, Onedrive fired up and started to sync my 60,000+ files. Last time I looked (it's on my other computer back in the office), the second icon had disappeared for all downloaded files and Onedrive was sort of working properly. Still cautious here but it looks like it was a bug and fixed itself upon the way, without even downloading a new version. Go figure it out. Anyway, don't panic, use the sharepoint (i.e. online version) if needs be. You will still be able to open your files using the Mac Apps. In due course, onedrive will certainly crash on your computer as it did on mine and all will end well. Good luck! Your sharepoint link should look like DavidBurbidgeJan 25, 2022Brass Contributor
Today, struggling with this, I notice the fan on my MacBook Pro is running a lot. Used to run only when I had Parallels open and was using Windows. Now, about half of the time it is running.