Forum Discussion
Jan 28, 2022In public preview: Meeting co-organizer
Organizers will now be able to share control by assigning the new "Co-organizer" role to people they invite. Co-organizers will have almost all of the capabilities of the organizer, including management of Meeting Options.
Meeting organizers can assign the co-organizer meeting role to up to 10 people they invite to a meeting. Co-organizers will be granted most of the capabilities of the organizer in the meeting, including being able to access & modify the meeting options for the meeting.
Flighting status
100% in public preview
How to enable
Meeting organizers can manage the co-organizer meeting role via a new "Choose co-organizers" meeting option:
To qualify for the co-organizer role, an invitee must be using an account that is on the same tenant, or using a Guest account on the same tenant as the organizer’s account.
Co-organizers will be displayed as additional organizers in the meeting's participants list, and they will have most of the capabilities of an organizer in the meeting.
Co-organizers can do the following:
- Access and change meeting options
- Bypass the lobby
- Admit people from the lobby during a meeting
- Lock the meeting
- Present content
- Change another participant’s meeting role
- End the meeting for all
Co-organizers cannot do the following:
- View & download attendance reports
- Manage the meeting recording
- Edit the meeting invitation
- Remove or change the Organizer's role
Are there any other changes associated with this new feature?
The “Only me” selection for the “Who can present?” meeting option has been updated to reflect that this will apply to “Only me and co-organizers”. And the “Only me” selection for the “Who can bypass the lobby?” meeting option has been updated to reflect that this will apply to “Only me and co-organizers.”
Note: If you need information about enabling the public preview itself, see “Enable the public preview for Teams” below.
Supported clients and
Windows 10 |
macOS |
iOS |
Android |
Linux |
Chrome |
Firefox |
Safari |
Edge |
Internet Explorer |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Yes |
Known issues
- The text field for 'Choose co-organizers" meeting option has an intermittent issue on mobile. If it is difficult to assign the role via the meeting options page on your mobile device, please try updating the meeting using desktop or web
- The "Download Attendance Report" link may still be visible for co-organizers in the "..." button's menu from the Participants list during a meeting. This is non-functional. If a co-organizer clicks it, no report is available.
Known limitations
1. Co-organizers cannot yet access or download attendance reports.
2. While co-organizers can view meeting recordings, they do not yet have full parity with the organizer's recording management capabilities.
3. Only the meeting organizer can create breakout rooms before a meeting via the “Breakout Rooms” tab at the top of the meeting details page in Teams Calendar.
Enable your Teams client for the public preview
- First, IT admins need to set an update policy that turns on Show preview features. Learn how at Public preview in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs.
- Users then choose to join the public preview individually. See Get early access to new Teams features - Office Support ( for instructions.
Summary of public preview features
For a history of features in the Office and Teams public previews, see Release Notes Current Channel (Preview) - Office release notes | Microsoft Docs.
Send us your feedback
Got feedback on features in the public preview or other areas of Teams? Let us know straight from Teams via Help > Give feedback.
Thank you,
Preview Team, Emily Kirby
Quality & Customer Obsession, Microsoft Teams
Currently, the co-organizer feature doesn't support breakout rooms. Here is a temporary workaround for adding your Co-Organzier as a Breakout Room Manager, until it's fully supported:
Organizer creates meeting
Organizer opens the meeting on their Teams calendar & adds Breakout Rooms (BR) to it
BRs shows up as a new tab along with other apps added to the meeting
Organizer then uses BR app's settings to assign a person invited to the meeting as a BR manager
Organizer opens meeting options and assigns meeting co-organizer role to that same person
Imagine that organizer is out of office that day (like in a substitute teacher scenario)
The co-organizer joins the meeting & they have all the capabilities of co-organizer role
The co-organizer starts the BR in the meeting
When co-organizer joins the BR, they no longer have the co-organizer role but since that person was assigned as a BR manager, they can manage the BR with all capabilities of a BR manager (their role essentially changed from "co-organizer" to "BR manager")
Once BR session is over, BR manager & other attendees will leave the BR and rejoin the main meeting
When they rejoin the main meeting, everyone is automatically assigned their original meeting roles for the main meeting
So, the original co-organizer who filled the BR manager role during the breakout room session automatically becomes a co-organizer in the main meeting once again
- AshleyVanDMCopper ContributorIs there a timeline for when co-organizers will be able to view attendance reports. If the organizer goes down, gets sick, or worst case passes away, the rest of us are in the dark as to who has registered for the upcoming event(s). Co-organizers should have the ability to see attendance reports and manage registration.
- Emily Kirby
Hi AshleyVanDM , this is currently available. If you aren't seeing that it's available, please let me know.
- AshleyVanDMCopper Contributor
Emily Kirby Thanks for your response! I, as an organizer of a meeting that requires registration, have access to the attendance report and can see registration. The co-organizers, however, cannot see the registration. This is problematic. We make all our registration links months in advance and don’t always know which of us will ultimately be responsible for running the meeting. We all need to be able to see the registration. Plus if one of us leaves, gets sick, dies, etc… the others need to be able to pull the registration list. When will the ability for co-organizers to view registration and pull an attendance report be available?
- Laila61Copper ContributorHave to agree that the stuff this co-organiser can do are simply stuff that are easy to give to anyone before or in the meeting if the organiser is around, and nothing that would be useful if the organiser is not around. Not really worth the trouble to assign them.
- MonirIron Contributor
Still in preview? It’s been over years this was added to roadmap and date kept changing and changing…
- CshoresCopper ContributorI also agree with both replies above mine.
We have several meetings that at some point were created by separate users. It would be nice if co-organizers could adjust the meeting invitation list - or in our case have ALL the abilities of a standard organizer.
Having to message an organizer to edit the invitations for multiple meetings with users coming and going can be a chore - you then have to rely on the organizer to make the change in a timely manner as well.- GeorgVBrass Contributor
MS basically built a car and forgot to put the wheels on it. I am confronted with several large events where one colleague left the company and another is on parental leave. Is the solution to setup new Webinars and put all attendees through re-registration or embarrassing "look we cannot sort our stuff" procedure? Or shall we break law and I use their logins? Seriously.
Can someone from the product team please state what the agenda here is?
If nothing happens, it is turning back to GoTo or Zoom.
Please vote on feedback: Teams webinar Co Organiser permissions · Community (
- rccryanCopper Contributor
GeorgV, honestly, I wouldn't recommend waiting around for a fix on this. While I have nothing against MS or Teams, there are two key problems with it:
1) MS has to keep Teams integrated with the rest of the MS Office ecosystem and this adds complexity, security considerations, etc. that drastically slow its development and also make it overly complicated for the users.
2) for most of us, Teams is an added feature that comes along with the products we intended to purchase (Word, Excel, Outlook, One Drive, etc.), so it doesn't much matter to most people how well it works or which features it has. While MS does offer a Teams stand-alone license or two, I doubt these are used by very many people given the superiority of the competition (plus they are comparatively cheap and everyone knows you get what you pay for). Therefore, out of the many, many users of Teams (both regular and occasional), relatively few will complain or provide meaningful feedback and nobody is going to cancel their MS Office license simply because of a Teams problem. Thus, there is little economic incentive for rapid, high quality development.
While it would be nice to be able to use Teams instead of Zoom since it's already "paid for", we didn't have the luxury, patience, or base technical ability to navigate all the workarounds required to make it functional and practical.
- Doug_H_IGTCopper Contributor
Regarding your "In public preview: Meeting co-organizer", as implemented, it doesn't address the problem of the organizer left the company, unless the organizer has already assigned co-organizers. It does help on a much smaller problem of delegation, with which most people can cope.
Possible solution: Validate organizers email addresses. If all organizer or co-organizer's emails are invalid, the meeting/appointment should become editable.
- Arjun240Copper Contributor
+1 Please do help address the problem of organizer leaving the company.
- Emily Kirby
We have figured out the issue with getting this feature to work in Public Preview. It is now 100% available! Please try it out and give us feedback.
Regarding the feedback about the current limitations, we are aware of the gaps and will be working to close them.- MonirIron ContributorThank you for sharing the update. We've been waiting for ages for this feature. Microsoft kept changing the date on the roadmap site months after months for it's availability.
However, I still don't see the co-organizer option on the Meeting Options page as the article suggested. I have the Public Preview turned on with the Teams Desktop App. what am I missing? Thanks- MonirIron ContributorI see now as long as Meeting Options page is opened with Edge browser. It's missing in chrome. Hope his is being looked at...
- JGrodinCopper ContributorAfter enabling Public Preview, I still don't see the "Choose co-organizer" option in my meetings options page. It's a recurring weekly meeting I setup some time ago. Will the option only show up on meetings that I create after enabling public preview?
- Matthias_BenderCopper Contributor
Emily Kirby I have Public Preview enabled (P-icon on the upper right of my profile picture). Still, Meeting Options screen does not contain the new settings for co-organizers - neither from the Web UI, nor from the Outlook AddIn UI. I am using Teams Windows client (64-bit). Any ideas how I can get the feature to work? Your support is highly appreciated.
- Jason_BleazardCopper ContributorHello Matthias,
I was running in to the same issue. I realized that I needed to be in public preview on the app AND the web version of Teams. Go to, login, go to the web version of Teams, select the three dot menu in the top right/about/public preview. Then when you select meeting options in the Teams desktop app and the web browser launches, it will show the co-organizer field. I imagine that the option won't be visible in the Teams plugin for Outlook until general release. You can also verify this is the issue if you are in public preview on the desktop app, then launch a meeting and look at the meeting option inside the active meeting window. Even if your web version isn't in public preview, you should see it in the actual meeting. For others to see and have access to meeting options as co-organizers, they have to be in public preview as well and listed as co-organizers.
A bug that I noticed is that if you first list someone as a co-organizer, you can't list them as a co-manager of breakout rooms. Because they have to be listed as presenters before being a co-manager of breakout rooms, but if they are listed as co-organizers first, the option isn't there to make them a presenter. In short, order matters. First make the person a presenter. Then you can also make them a co-manager of breakout rooms and a co-organizer however you want afterward.
Note that I'm a fellow user like you. I only figured out some of these nuances by trial and error. Hopefully these issues will be addressed by Microsoft.
- amanda_wdCopper ContributorThis release has been promised for quite some time... and now to learn, it is not truly giving another person the same functionalities as the organizer is utterly disappointing. It does not resolve the major issues that are being seen in the organization with MS Teams meetings. The items under the limitations are the functionalities we need to be able to share and delegate - attendance, recordings, meeting invitation edits, and breakout rooms. Are the items under the "cannot" list in development + on your roadmap?
- Sarara84Copper Contributor
As others before me have mentioned, the co-organizer field is not visible in the meeting options.
And I agree, a co-organizer should be able to see the Attendance tab in the Teams Webinar invite and should be able to download the registration report and the attendance report.
Because currently I have a problem: I'm going on holiday soon, during which Webinars I organized will take place and no-one else can see the registration info.
Kind regards,
Sara - Any thoughts on delegates? Right now if a delegate of another user (e.g., administrative assistant for a manager) schedules a Teams meeting on behalf of the other user, the other user is the organizer. The delegate isn't able to access meeting options. Even with co-organizer, that has to be done *after* the meeting is scheduled, which means the delegate can't access meeting options to make them a co-organizer. It seems like the user story for adding a co-organizer should be when the meeting is being scheduled to make it easier for everyone, and especially delegates. Any word on that?
- rccryanCopper Contributor
We're not seeing the Co-organizer option either despite jumping through all the hoops. Specifically (using the latest Edge browser), we have:
- enabled Public Preview in the Teams Update Policies
- ensured the policy is applied to several users
- selected Public Preview in Teams for several users (under "...", About) and agreed to join the Public Preview
- verified that Public Preview is checked (under "...", About) for those users
- had one user create (and send) a new meeting with a required attendee who is part of the same tenant (and who has also opted into Public Preview)
When the meeting organizer then clicks "Meeting options," there is no Co-organizer option available.
What are we doing wrong?
- AnqB0VVRJMzsO6zVIron Contributor
finally they update, feature release delayed
and agree with carolyn910, this is actually co-sub-orgnizer, not what whey called "co-org"
in my opnion, it should be "take owner", co-organizer may lead to chaos
if we have a 1000 ppl meeting, somehow organizer can't attend/leave the company, we should we do?
we want take over, is crazy to cancel/create meeting