Forum Discussion

Kaushal-Mehta's avatar
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Jan 28, 2022

In public preview: Meeting co-organizer


Organizers will now be able to share control by assigning the new "Co-organizer" role to people they invite. Co-organizers will have almost all of the capabilities of the organizer, including management of Meeting Options.

Meeting organizers can assign the co-organizer meeting role to up to 10 people they invite to a meeting. Co-organizers will be granted most of the capabilities of the organizer in the meeting, including being able to access & modify the meeting options for the meeting.

Flighting status                                                                      

100% in public preview


How to enable

Meeting organizers can manage the co-organizer meeting role via a new "Choose co-organizers" meeting option: 



To qualify for the co-organizer role, an invitee must be using an account that is on the same tenant, or using a Guest account on the same tenant as the organizer’s account. 

Co-organizers will be displayed as additional organizers in the meeting's participants list, and they will have most of the capabilities of an organizer in the meeting.

Co-organizers can do the following:

  • Access and change meeting options


  • Bypass the lobby
  • Admit people from the lobby during a meeting 
  • Lock the meeting
  • Present content
  • Change another participant’s meeting role 
  • End the meeting for all

Co-organizers cannot do the following:

  • View & download attendance reports
  • Manage the meeting recording
  • Edit the meeting invitation
  • Remove or change the Organizer's role


Are there any other changes associated with this new feature?

The “Only me” selection for the “Who can present?” meeting option has been updated to reflect that this will apply to “Only me and co-organizers”. And the “Only me” selection for the “Who can bypass the lobby?” meeting option has been updated to reflect that this will apply to “Only me and co-organizers.”

Note: If you need information about enabling the public preview itself, see “Enable the public preview for Teams” below.



Supported clients and

Windows 10









Internet Explorer

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes






Known issues

  1. The text field for 'Choose co-organizers" meeting option has an intermittent issue on mobile. If it is difficult to assign the role via the meeting options page on your mobile device, please try updating the meeting using desktop or web
  2. The "Download Attendance Report" link may still be visible for co-organizers in the "..." button's menu from the Participants list during a meeting. This is non-functional. If a co-organizer clicks it, no report is available.


Known limitations
1. Co-organizers cannot yet access or download attendance reports.
2. While co-organizers can view meeting recordings, they do not yet have full parity with the organizer's recording management capabilities.
3. Only the meeting organizer can create breakout rooms before a meeting via the “Breakout Rooms” tab at the top of the meeting details page in Teams Calendar.


Enable your Teams client for the public preview 


  1. First, IT admins need to set an update policy that turns on Show preview features. Learn how at Public preview in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs.  
  2. Users then choose to join the public preview individually. See Get early access to new Teams features - Office Support ( for instructions. 


Summary of public preview features

For a history of features in the Office and Teams public previews, see Release Notes Current Channel (Preview) - Office release notes | Microsoft Docs.



Send us your feedback 

Got feedback on features in the public preview or other areas of Teams? Let us know straight from Teams via Help Give feedback 



Thank you,

Preview Team, Emily Kirby 

Quality & Customer Obsession, Microsoft Teams


  • Currently, the co-organizer feature doesn't support breakout rooms. Here is a temporary workaround for adding your Co-Organzier as a Breakout Room Manager, until it's fully supported:



    1. Organizer creates meeting

    2. Organizer opens the meeting on their Teams calendar & adds Breakout Rooms (BR) to it

    3. BRs shows up as a new tab along with other apps added to the meeting

    4. Organizer then uses BR app's settings to assign a person invited to the meeting as a BR manager

    5. Organizer opens meeting options and assigns meeting co-organizer role to that same person


    1. Imagine that organizer is out of office that day (like in a substitute teacher scenario)

    2. The co-organizer joins the meeting & they have all the capabilities of co-organizer role

    3. The co-organizer starts the BR in the meeting

    4. When co-organizer joins the BR, they no longer have the co-organizer role but since that person was assigned as a BR manager, they can manage the BR with all capabilities of a BR manager (their role essentially changed from "co-organizer" to "BR manager")

    5. Once BR session is over, BR manager & other attendees will leave the BR and rejoin the main meeting

    6. When they rejoin the main meeting, everyone is automatically assigned their original meeting roles for the main meeting

    7. So, the original co-organizer who filled the BR manager role during the breakout room session automatically becomes a co-organizer in the main meeting once again
