Forum Discussion
Jun 29, 2020Copper Contributor
Set your own Nickname on Teams
When I tag someone using @, Teams copy the person name in the post, right? But I know many people that don't like their name or their name is too long or super difficult to rear/pronounc...
- Jun 29, 2020
No, that is not possible. It is possible to remove the first or last name in when tagging a person. There is a uservoice suggesting that you should be able to use nicknames.
You could use tags in a teams as a workaround, but that is only per team.
Apr 30, 2024Copper Contributor
Reopening this, has this changed in the last 4 years? Is there currently a way to set a nickname in Teams? I am in a small business where there are 4 people with similar names, so we would like to be able to @ tag them by nickname to stop accidental tagging when it autofills the wrong persons surname!