Forum Discussion

JakeP870's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 09, 2023

Creating Tasks from Teams Channel Posts

Hello, I've installed the "Tasks by Planner" app in Teams and I can now add tasks for myself from chats.


Is there any way to add Tasks from channel posts?


My supervisor prefers to hand down small assignments via a Teams channel, but the channel is also used for announcements and updates, and sometimes things get buried so I forget them or lose track of them. 


Here is an excellent write up of how to add a task from a chat:,and%20select%20the%20ellipses%20(%E2%80%A6)&text=In%20the%20new%20window%2C%20fill,to%20a%20To%20Do%20list.


Do we have this functionality in channels as well?

  • JakeP870 

    If the Team has had the Tasks app added to it, I would think you would see this as I do. Using the ... menu from the post there is more actions and it includes Create a Task.

    I think the create a new action will take you to Power Automate when you could create a custom flow to create the task that way too.


  • JakeP870 

    If the Team has had the Tasks app added to it, I would think you would see this as I do. Using the ... menu from the post there is more actions and it includes Create a Task.

    I think the create a new action will take you to Power Automate when you could create a custom flow to create the task that way too.


    • JakeP870's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      This is really helpful!! I seem to only be able to get that option in a general channel. Any idea why other channels in a Team don't display this?

      I have one team where my view in the general channel looks just like yours. Then the next channel down from the general channel (within the same Team) looks like this: 


      • DanEngelsmeier's avatar
        Brass Contributor


        Could the channel where you do NOT see it be a private channel?

        In one of my Teams I have 9 channels. 8 public ones show the option. The 9th one is private and does NOT show the option.

    • rachelgomez161999's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      In a channel, select +. Select Planner. Create a plan and then select Save.

      Add and assign tasks.
      Select + to create a task and enter a name.
      Select Set due date and select a date.
      Select Assign and choose who to assign it to.
      Select Add Task.

      Rachel Gomez
