Forum Discussion

BORO151's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 09, 2021

Chat in Breakout Rooms Disabled



I'm admin for TEAMS in a school. We need to use the breakout rooms with our students. Within the breakout rooms the chat function is disabled for all students although in the main meeting chat is enabled for them, even when they have the presenter role (see image). For teachers the chat function is enabled. Where can I enable the chat for students? Thanks!

  • Hi, is this still an issue? There was some disruption in the Teams infrastructure at the time of your post affecting the service. I know the chat was one problem.

    If the problem persist, please update this conversation with additional info.
  • Hi, is this still an issue? There was some disruption in the Teams infrastructure at the time of your post affecting the service. I know the chat was one problem.

    If the problem persist, please update this conversation with additional info.
      • Shanon Wieler's avatar
        Shanon Wieler
        Copper Contributor
        Note that we have Chat disabled outside of Teams because we can't have students chatting unmonitored. Within a Team and regular Meetings within the Team they can chat/message, the problem only appears when trying to Chat in Breakout Rooms. I would expect that a Breakout Room would have the same "configuration" as the main Meeting but it appears that Breakout rooms are separate and "outside" the main Meeting and even "outside" the Team. Is that intentional? Anything we can do to change this?
  • TechCoachJT's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    BORO151  Shanon Wieler  ChristianBergstrom 
    I am a tech coach for a larger district in Michigan and we are having this same issue. We also have chat disabled at the district level due to highly inappropriate misuse. But have been utilizing Teams/Channel meetings so teachers can have the ability to delete inappropriate student messages as well as not allowing students to chat outside of class.


    We've tried changing the channel settings as well as the team settings and nothing seems to allow chat within the breakout rooms when meeting in a channel.


    Has there been any new info regarding this problem? Any solutions?

    • Shanon Wieler's avatar
      Shanon Wieler
      Copper Contributor


      We submitted a ticket to Microsoft and they pointed out a setting that we had missed in the Meeting Policy.  "Allow chat in meetings" should be enabled. We've had no trouble since. 

