Forum Discussion
Changes to Teams meeting recordings for EDU A1 & “Recording failed to upload to Stream” error
- Jan 07, 2021Hi, just send the link to them. They’ll know what to do.
For the record it’s the meeting policy that needs to be updated.
Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity XXX -RecordingStorageMode "OneDriveForBusiness"
garyang The workaround is that for the customers who need to record ensure that they are on any other license than A1. They could be on A3, A5, E3, etc. Like we said in the post this is a temporary change so expect more updates in the upcoming months, and in the meantime please transition to another license.
If you need anything else please let me know.
descapa_msft Hi, Daniel, I'm sorry, but what is not being addressed here is the loss of privacy and control over recordings this change entails. It is completely understandable that the servers are overdrawn by the demand, but what is not acceptable is that no workaround to maintain the control over recordings has been added before rolling out this change (like sending the recordings through e-mail or private message). This puts Microsoft Teams well behind its free competitors like G Suite or even free Zoom. While calls might be limited to 40 minutes, the host has complete control over who can see the recordings. This is not the case here.
Changing licenses is not an answer either, because what is missing is not Stream's service (which in our University wasn't even used because of the lack of external sharing when needed [most Students don't have licenses yet]), but control over recordings. There are lot of educators, like myself, that started using this service only recently because our IT departments (on short budgets) asked what we would like to use and now, after opting for this service, the record function is completely gimped to oblivion out of the blue. If you don't understand how control over recordings is a big issue in Education, then you have no idea what you have done with this move.
Recordings are not even deletable from chat. Something must be done about this ASAP.
- descapa_msftSep 16, 2020Microsoft
mesantelli the team is aware of customers asking about delete and are working on addressing this set of feedback.
- ChristianBergstromSep 16, 2020Silver Contributor
descapa_msft "the team is aware of customers asking about delete and are working on addressing this set of feedback." That is great news!
- Christir86Sep 09, 2020Brass Contributor
mesantelli / descapa_msft I also have concerns that this will cause issues with privacy - as videos can be downloaded onto any device by any member of the school, those videos could potentially then be spread around anywhere instead of being kept within the school.
Can you please confirm whether we can set it so students cannot download videos from their class Teams, and only teachers can do so to enable them being uploaded onto Stream?
I just cannot understand why no one thought about the safeguarding consequences of this change. Truly shocking.
- AB21805Sep 10, 2020Bronze Contributor
This is so true mesantelli, completely messed up the way we are doing things!