Forum Discussion

sim_psp's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 11, 2024

Prefilled Links - Wrong Data on Multiple Responses

We have a Business workflow where we send out Links to prefilled MS Forms automatically (using MS Power Automate). This works fine as long as one person only gets one link.


As soon as one Person gets two links with different Values in the prefilled Link we experience the following behaviour:


  • The first Link works fine - the correct data is prefilled in the form
  • When you click the second link though, you get the data from the first link prefilled into the MS Form (it is probably saved in a cookie or session)

This is very inconvenient as we need to enter Names and Order Identifiers into the Form. The Form Answers are also automatically processed so any Misspelling or Typo will result in extra manual work for us.

I see this as a bug and there should be a way to fix it. Thank you already for any effort to resolve this issue.


Minimal Setup:

To reproduce the error get two prefilled Links with different values for the first question of any form. Then open one of the Links. After the Page has loaded and before you submit the form open the other Link also. Now the other Link will direct you to a form that is prefilled with the same data that was entered in the Tab with the first Link.


This applies even if you closed the first Tab.


If you submit the Form before clicking on the second Link, it will work fine.

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