Forum Discussion
Feb 02, 2022Bronze Contributor
installing a exe but not working
Hi all, I am trying to install an emulator which is an exe with a license key but when installing it fails. I have been told that the install command is: But this doesnt seem to w...
- Feb 03, 2022
Works 🙂
- Renamed long .exe file to shorter name
- changed install.cmd to "ClassWiz_Emulator.exe" /l"1033" /s /v" /qn ISX_EID=xxxxxxxx" (Removed the serialnumber 😉 )
Feb 14, 2023Bronze Contributor
Hi Harm, how do I update the license key with this script? Can I simply change the key or do I need to add a folder or file to create another detention rule?
Feb 14, 2023
I think that creating another Win32 package that supersedes the previous one is ok, you can choose that when creating a new one, and you can choose to uninstall the previous one in those steps too. Not sure about the detection rule, I don't know what you use now?