Forum Discussion

deejinoz's avatar
Iron Contributor
Dec 22, 2021

Why does installing Visio Pro 2019 onto my PC turn Office 365 for Business into Office 365 Pro Plus?

This appears to have happened multiple times over the last several years (happened with Visio Pro 2016). Cleanly installed/new PC. Office 365 on an E3 subscription downloaded and installed, shoes "Of...
  • deejinoz's avatar
    Dec 23, 2021
    Yep. To fix the product name weirdness and the other authentication cr@p hole it had sent me down, I did the following:
    1. Used SARA to do a scrub removal of Office, which appears to have also removed Visio (weird as, strictly speaking, Visio is not a part of Orifice).
    2. Clean installed Visio Pro 2019.
    3. Clean installed Office 365.
    4. Risked it and sacrificed a ferret, while wearing sheepskin chaps and standing on one leg. Only a couple of days out from our southern hemisphere summer solstice, which was only on Tuesday.
    Result: The Microsoft demons were satisfied with my offerings and Visio now just says it's Visio Pro 2019 and not part of Office Pro Plus and Office 365 still says it's for enterprise apps and not Pro Plus. All the sh!tty authentication errors in Outlook are gone and auto-mapped mailboxes don't just bugger off, in my second Office 365 login.
