Forum Discussion

HelenGMarsh's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 18, 2021

Outlook Office 365 "Send Mail As" Email Authentication Error

My work has recently created an office 365 email account for me and I need to use this new email address as an alias for my current google email address when communicating with clients. 


I have done the following steps:

In my Gmail setting I have enabled POP and IMAP


Then under accounts and imports I selected add another email address. Here I typed in my outlook email and hit "next"


I am then asked for SMTP server, email and password. Email and password is my outlook email and password, and for SMTP server I have tried the following which I found under my "Oulook" -> "mail" -> "sync email" settings:


Server name:
Port: 587
Encryption method: STARTTLS


This has not worked and I continue to get authentication errors. I have noticed my POP options are greyed out in my outlook app. 


Any ideas?



  • This can be blocked on several levels from O365 side, so best talk with your IT folks first. For example, basic authentication might be disabled, the POP/IMAP/SMTP protocols might be disabled, there might be a Conditional access policy requiring MFA, and so on.
