Forum Discussion

toddpurifoy's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jan 31, 2022

Online Archiving issues

I am not completely sure if this is a question for this group, or maybe better suited for the Exchange Group.

We are 365 users, and we use Online-Archiving.  For the most part, the online archives seem to work fine.  However, in my own personal case, it seems broken.  I have checked to make sure my retention is set to $FALSE as I have seen that show up as a potential issue for some.  

My Archive used to work fine.  I had folders in my inbox that were replicated to the archive.  I also had folders that I created within the archive that I would manually drag things to from time to time.  NO big deal.

However, my archive seems to have quit working.  I did make some adjustments to the folder tree in my inbox, and I can't tell if that is what broke things of not.  I wouldn't expect it to.  

I have run the Managed Folder Assistant against my mailbox to see if I could get it going again to no avail.  

At this point, I am trying to locate any Managed FOlder Assistant logs that might shed some l

  • Can you tell me which Office 365 license you have? Also, what version of Outlook are you using and on what operating system? Can you also check whether the archiving for your mailbox remains enabled?

    Ensure Office is up to date as well when you get a chance.
