Forum Discussion

jcgonzalezmartin's avatar
Apr 26, 2017

Office 365 Health Status for End/Business Users

Hello All,

Is there any way an End User (Or Business User) can see health status for some of the Office 365 services. I have found this page, but I'm not sure if the information there is realistic cc Anne Michels

  • Hi Juan,

    I've shared your feedback with the team. We're currently exploring ways how to enable admins to better inform their end users about the service incidents. One area we're working on is to enable admins to make their users aware of service incidents and inform them about possible workaround solutions through optional in-product notifications.



  • Mark Yohai's avatar
    Mark Yohai
    Copper Contributor

    We love the service health dasboard, but more might be needed for your users since not every issue they may have is at the O365 end, it could be in the LAN/WAN, federated SSO/ADFS, or even in between your users and the MSFT cloud.


    Exoprise CloudReady is a 3rd party tool that gives you a way to give your users visiblity into both the Service Communication Messages on the MSFT end, and issues that could be on yours or inbetween.  It's dasboards can be embedded easily in things like SharePoint or other sites so users can check.  Best of all it can alert you when there's a problem before users call, and in many cases even before MSFT updates service health messages.


    Here's a screen shot:


  • Hi Juan,

    I've shared your feedback with the team. We're currently exploring ways how to enable admins to better inform their end users about the service incidents. One area we're working on is to enable admins to make their users aware of service incidents and inform them about possible workaround solutions through optional in-product notifications.



    • jcgonzalezmartin's avatar
      Thanks Anne,
      That would be really great, to have something around this topic for end users so they can know something could be wrong in Office 365 and there is not a real need to call their IT support :-). Always learning new needs from my customers
  • 3rd party tools can offer this, or you can simply build your own tool via the O365 Management APIs and expose that information on a web page or something.
