Forum Discussion

Inna Chigareva's avatar
Inna Chigareva
Copper Contributor
Jul 26, 2017

Junk E-mail Settings for Shared Mailboxes



We started to receive all email for our shared inbox to junk folder. I have set some of them as safe senders, but it didn't help. How can I check/amend junk settings for our shared mailboxes please?



  • Robbo_2021's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Inna Chigareva 


    Same problem, most external email -> shared mailbox went to spam.


    This (below) worked for me, I call it a: partial (warning: - choice of 2 evils -) solution


    Exchange Admin Center -> Mail Flow -> Rules

    ... Add a Bypass Spam Filtering:  is sent to '<shared box>'  (select from list)

    ... ... Set the spam confidence level to: Bypass (-1)

            (I tried other levels, only Bypass worked)


    So yeah, you will let actual spam in too, but it's either that or lose email.  (email client should help mitigate against some spam).


    Absolutely still need ms to fix this bug properly.

  • PowerShell is easiest way to set junk mail configurations for shared mailbox.


    To fetch the configuration:


    Get-MailboxJunkEMailConfiguration -Identity "Shared Mailbox" | Format-List


    To set it, use Set-MailboxEmailConfiguration. In this instance, I add "" to the blocked list and set three domains up as trusted senders.


    Set-MailboxJunkEMailConfiguration –Identity "Shared Mailbox"
    –BlockedSendersAndDomains @{Add=""} –ContactsTrusted $True
    –TrustedSendersAndDomains "", "", ""


    And of course, if you wanted to set the same configuration for all shared mailboxes in the tenant, you'd do:


    Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails SharedMailbox | Set-MailboxJunkEMailConfiguration....

    • fmccourryhollandcompu's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      TonyRedmond If this is the easiest method, then there is something seriously wrong with the implementation.  The average end user is not going to know, or even want to know PowerShell.  This is fine for system Admins and developers, but the average user in accounting will not do this.  As a system admin, my life should not be delegated for managing junk email.  This is why Microsoft keeps falling flat on it's face, dumb down interfaces so it's impossible to use unless you are a developer and find a way to "hack it".  That's exactly what PowerShell is to the end user, a hack.

      • TonyRedmond's avatar
        No one is advocating that normal users run PowerShell commands to update junk email settings. Administrators should do this for them.
