Forum Discussion

DanHuber's avatar
Iron Contributor
Jan 26, 2024

Issues with implementing/deploy Copilot Pro

We do have some issues with Microsoft 365 Copilot rollout to devices and users. Any hint or advice is welcome.


Main issue is that Copilot is not shown in Office 365 Apps on the desktops, although all installations are up to date in monthly channel. How can I make Copilot working in desktop Word, Excel, PowerPoint?


More Info:

Add-on Copilot Licenses ("Microsoft 365 Copilot") are purchased and assigned to users in Office 365 more than 48 hours ago. All users have O365 Standard licenses, the Microsoft 365 Apps are on monthly channel and according all up to date on their devices. 


What "seems" to work with Microsoft 365 Copilot (not sure, though):

  • In, the Copilot icon is visible and opens "Microsoft 365 Chat" with the colorful Copilot icon. What is not clear to me, do we really have Microsodft 365 Copilot here? There is nowhere an indication that it is different from the free version. There is however, a text that says "Your copilot for work". Does that mean this is the right Copilot? 
  • When opening with edge browser, making sure to be logged in with an account that has Copilot licensed, the header "Copilot" and below the text "for Microsoft 365" is visible. This seems the licensed version of Copilot, right?
  • Copilot seems to work with all web applications I tested (Outlook OWA, Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

What does not seem to work:

  • Looking at the Office 365 Apps installed on the Windows PC's, Copilot is not to be visible. There is no "Update License" button, there is no setting in the spellchecking section (as mentioned in some articles I found).
  • I did have one Office 365 Apps installation which was on the half-year channel, changed that to monthly channel and after the update there was a "Update License" button. After clicking, Copilot appeared in Word, Excel, Powerpoint. Good. But now, how can I trigger the other installations? When I do check for updsate on the currrent machines in monthly channel, they do not have anything to update.
  • Question: Which update channel gets Copilot? All of them (over time?). Or just the actual channel now and the monthly/half-yearly channels at the next update? 
  • Copilot does not work in the standard desktop Outlook, but only in the "new" Outlook. Correct?





  • GJPN_Home's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    After much effort working with tech support, this worked for me.  It's in the Ribbon Customization.  Somehow, it's not auto-added for certain PowerPoint installations.  Under "All Commands" for customize the ribbon, look for "Chat with Copilot", and add it to a New Group on the Home Tab.


    It took me a month of silly suggestions (license issues, log sending, uninstall/reinstall requests) until we finally got to that.  All's well that ends well, but it could have been more efficient.



    • annikp29's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      GJPN_Home Hi!


      i have the same issue. Any suggestion how the add-in may be called in french?

  • ProSolutions's avatar
    Iron Contributor
    Hello Dan Huber, Given that you've confirmed the Copilot licenses are assigned, users have O365 Standard licenses, and Microsoft 365 Apps are on the monthly channel, but Copilot is not appearing in Office 365 Apps, consider these additional steps:

    1. **Manual Installation:**
    - Direct users to manually install the Copilot add-in. Users can do this by going to the Office Store or the Add-ins menu in their Office applications and searching for "Microsoft 365 Copilot."

    2. **Check User Permissions:**
    - Verify that users have the necessary permissions to install and use add-ins. Ensure that there are no policy restrictions preventing the installation of third-party add-ins.

    3. **Verify Activation Status:**
    - Ensure that the Microsoft 365 Apps are activated properly on users' devices. If there are any activation issues, it might impact the ability to see and use add-ins.

    4. **Update Office Add-ins:**
    - Confirm that users have the latest version of the Copilot add-in installed. Check for any available updates in the Office Store or the add-ins menu.

    5. **Browser Compatibility:**
    - Check the browser compatibility of Copilot. Some add-ins may have browser-specific requirements. Ensure that the browsers used by your users are supported.

    6. **Review Tenant Configuration:**
    - Double-check the tenant-wide configuration for Microsoft 365 Copilot. Ensure that there are no specific settings or restrictions preventing the add-in from appearing in Office 365 Apps.

    7. **Reset Add-ins:**
    - In some cases, users may need to reset their Office add-ins to resolve issues. This can be done through the Office application settings or by using the Office Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT).

    8. **Log in to Office Account:**
    - Ensure that users are logged into their Office accounts within the Office applications. Sometimes, being logged in helps in activating and using add-ins.

    9. **Check Firewall/Antivirus Settings:**
    - Verify that there are no firewall or antivirus settings blocking the communication between Office applications and the Microsoft 365 Copilot service.

    10. **User Training:**
    - Provide users with clear instructions on how to access and use Microsoft 365 Copilot. Sometimes, users may not be aware of the steps to activate or locate the add-in.

    If the issue persists after trying these steps, it's advisable to contact Microsoft Support for more in-depth troubleshooting. They can review your specific configuration, check for any backend issues, and offer guidance tailored to your organization.

    Have a fantastic day Dan Huber
    • dpilcher's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      No Copilot in Outlook here, except one "summarize" option somewhere.

      The app store only lists Copilot for Sales, nothing else named Microsoft 365 Copilot.
      • DanHuber's avatar
        Iron Contributor
        Can you poinzt me to the "summarize" option?

        Do you have the same Office version as I have?

    • DanHuber's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      ProSolutions , thanks for your insights.


      I was able to get Copilot rolled out to most users/apps in the meantime. Main issue with desktop apps was that it had to be on actual channel. Monthly channel seemed not to work. 


      However, I do have issues with a few Outlook implementations. Those desktop Outlook apps are on current channel (Microsoft® Outlook® für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2401 Build 16.0.17231.20170) 64 Bit) and all up to date. Lizenses has been rechecked in the account settings of the local app, but neither in classic not in the "new" Outlook GUI Copilot is available (no coaching, no writing, no Copilot icon). At the same time, Copilot is available on desktop versions of Word, Excel and Powerpoint on the same machine. And it's available in all online apps too. So it seems to be a local desktop Outlook issue.


      Fast repair and online repair did not fix the issue. 

      I am looking forward to more suggestions 🙂





      • DanHuber's avatar
        Iron Contributor

        Interesting sidenote:

        On the same test user (me), I had a Outlook desktop installation on Windows 11 with 

        (Microsoft® Outlook® für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2401 Build 16.0.17231.20080) 64 Bit.

        That version had Copilot working and running.


        Then I decided to update to:

        (Microsoft® Outlook® für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2401 Build 16.0.17231.20170) 64 Bit


        Copilot is gone away, disapeared completely from Outlook.


        Another change is that in the account overview, it asks me with a button "Lizenz aktualisieren". Doing this several times in a row did not fix it. In the version ..20080 I had to do this once and all was good.


        Could it be that version .20170 is buggy?


        (Word, Excel, Powerpoint still work fine with Copilot)


