External users cannot open encrypted email
Hi all, I searched the communities but couldn't find the answers I need in regards to Office 365 Message Encryption.
We have a customer that wants to send encrypted emails from Outlook.
When a non-Microsoft recipient (e.g. Gmail user) receives these emails they cannot open them. They get the following:
It's my understanding that external recipients should be able to view encrypted email as per this article.
Can someone please help?
The sending user has a Microsoft 365 Business Premium license, and Azure Information Protection is active under the 365 tenant.
Hi, I received your test message and whilst I was unable to access it via the Gmail web interface, I was able to open it via Outlook using the AIP viewer. This is going to be the only way that the Gmail users will be able to do this.
As ChristianBergstrom pointed out, the options you are using for encryption are the built-in OME / and older default AIP templates. I would recommend taking a look at updating your labels and policies. Could be a good time to start looking to migrate to Sensitivity Labels from the Security and Compliance Center, as Microsoft are planning to "sunset" the older AIP method in 2021 as per https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-information-protection/announcing-timelines-for-sunsetting-label-management-in-the/ba-p/1226179
But, for the meantime, if you want Gmail accounts to access the encrypted emails, then Outlook and the. AIP viewer is going to be the way.