Forum Discussion
Oct 16, 2024Iron Contributor
FILTER and SCAN function
Dear Experts,
I have a data like below(Input worksheet), in Column1, there are 144 Band Combination(1~144) each with a specific Feature sets(
In Output-1, I need like below:-
and in Output-2, I need like below:-
Thanks in Advance,
- Patrick2788Silver Contributor
It's a bit of slog to get through this because the data arrangement is not ideal so I must make the data whole with arrays. Even then things may not be perfect.
=LET( bwcs, "BandwidthCombinationSet:", band, SCAN("", Table1[Column1], LAMBDA(a, v, IF(LEFT(v, 16) = "Band Combination", v, a))), sets, IF(LEFT(Table1[Column1], 24) = bwcs, TEXTAFTER(Table1[Column1], bwcs), ""), rptfilter, sets <> "", result, GROUPBY(band, sets, ARRAYTOTEXT, , 0, , rptfilter), result )
Output 2:
=LET( bwcs, "BandwidthCombinationSet:", filldown, LAMBDA(a, v, IF(v = "", a, v)), band, SCAN("", Table1[Column1], LAMBDA(a, v, IF(LEFT(v, 16) = "Band Combination", v, a))), sets, IF(LEFT(Table1[Column1], 24) = bwcs, TEXTAFTER(Table1[Column1], "'"), ""), sets_filled, SCAN("", sets, filldown), rptfilter, sets_filled <> "", result, PIVOTBY(band, sets_filled, sets_filled, COUNTA, , , , , , rptfilter), result )
- anupambit1797Iron Contributor
Thanks Patrick2788 ,if we use anyother function will it somehow help to reduce the formula, for the Output-1? for example, IFS B=3 then pick 1st 3 from Column "I", and so on
- Patrick2788Silver ContributorWhat is the desired return in J?