Forum Discussion

Tom Werner's avatar
Tom Werner
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 08, 2017

Office 365 Admin learning site

Learn how to set up Office 365 for your business with our new Office 365 admin center videos page. You will learn how to add a domain name, add people, set up document storage, download software, and much more in a series of short, easy to follow videos. Check it out today and please leave your feedback! We’ll read it as we add more videos and categories that help you run a business on Office 365.


Office 365 admin center videos





Sr. Content Developer

Office 365 

  • Kenn Bartlett's avatar
    Kenn Bartlett
    Copper Contributor
    This truly is an excellent resource for Admins. I've used this resource in both the SMB and Enterprise tenants as well. Keep up the good work. Hopefully I'll see you #MSIgnite
  • Daniel Lentz's avatar
    Daniel Lentz
    Brass Contributor
    Great Video....just gaming a träning session with new admins that will appreciate the content. 👍
    • Tom Werner's avatar
      Tom Werner
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Thanks Daniel. Let us know how it goes and what else you'd like to see included. Again, this is ideally for SMB admins who balance both admin-iw setup tasks in Office 365. Enterprise admins can benefit from some of the core processes too like doc management, meetings, and mail.




    • Tom Werner's avatar
      Tom Werner
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Thanks Juan. Let us know how it goes and what is missing or could be improved.


