Private Offers
Private Offers have been leveraged by numerous ISVs to offer custom prices, terms and conditions for specific customers. Having a good understanding of private offers and complete readiness work will help you set up and close deals effectively with your customers. Read through our checklist to ensure you have everything you need to publish this type of offer on the marketplace.
To set up a private offer for a customer, you should have an account in Partner Center that meets the following prerequisites:
- You've created a commercial marketplace account in Partner Center.
- Your account is enrolled in the commercial marketplace program.
- The offer you want to sell privately has been published in the marketplace and is publicly transactable.
Private offer readiness checklist:
- Pricing plan (i.e $1,000/month for 6 months, $20,000/year for 3 year)
- The offer you want to sell privately has been published in the marketplace and is publicly transactable. (Learn more about plan visibility here)
- Customer billing account ID
- Customers can find their billing account ID in the Azure portal under Cost Management > Select Agreement > Properties > ID.
- Customer can scan their account using the private offer pre-check functionality and export the report with billing account ID included.
- Customer contact(s) who has permission to:
- Accept the private offer.
- If the customer is EA, they will need EA Admin role.
- If the customer is not EA, they will need to bill the account owner, billing account contributor role.
- Purchase the product in the private offer.
- Customer should have access to a subscription with owner/contributor role in Azure portal.
- Customer can use the Pre-check feature to ensure that they have permission to make purchases.
- Accept the private offer.
Once you are ready, it’s time to set up private offers and send to your customers. Check out the following links to learn more about how to set it up and how your customer accepts and completes the purchase.
Updated Oct 05, 2023
Version 3.0Truc_Nguyen
Joined August 23, 2023
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