Our upcoming webinar "Use your Marketplace Rewards benefits to increase your app sales," launching on Octobre 22, will cover how independent software vendors (ISVs) can accelerate solution sales on the Microsoft commercial marketplace. This is part of our Mastering the Marketplace webinars series, which features ongoing webinars.
Register now for this session to learn about how to transform your approach, and elevate your business in the competitive market landscape along with:
- Marketing and sales benefits available to ISVs to accelerate application sales on Microsoft's commercial marketplace.
- The availability and eligibility requirements for Marketplace Rewards: did you know that benefits are available no matter how you choose to publish?
- All ISVs with a transactable offer published on the Marketplace are automatically eligible for Marketplace Rewards without needing to sign up or enroll.
- Marketplace Rewards tier-based model: “The more you perform, the more you earn.” Learn how achieving higher performance on the marketplace unlocks additional benefits for top-performers, such as Microsoft executive endorsement and social promotion.
- ROI of activating Marketplace Rewards benefits: Partners who leverage Marketplace Rewards can earn up to 7 times more in Marketplace Billed Sales than partners who do not*
- An explanation of every benefit including Azure Sponsorship- learn how to lower your Azure infrastructure costs and sweeten sales deals, enhance and develop your solution, and offer no-cost proof of concept demonstrations to your client base.
- Resources and community space for ISVs to engage in discussions and maximize marketplace opportunities.
- Q&A with subject matter experts
*Based on comparing transactable partners that used 1 or more program benefits to those that did not use any program benefits.
- Learn more about Marketplace Rewards: Marketplace rewards - your commercial marketplace benefits - Marketplace publisher | Microsoft Learn
- Join ISV Success: ISV Success Application | Microsoft
Updated Oct 14, 2024
Version 2.0Luxmi_Nagaraj
Joined August 22, 2023
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