In this edition of “Mastering the Marketplace," Microsoft experts provide comprehensive information on SaaS offers, including how to create and publish a Saas offer on the Microsoft commercial marketplace, and the available pricing and billing models.
The webinar begins by defining: What is a SaaS offer? If you intend to sell your SaaS product on the Azure marketplace or AppSource, creating a SaaS offer is a prerequisite. Customers can easily discover and subscribe to these offerings directly from their Azure subscriptions.
Next, the webinar addresses: Where can an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) go to build and publish a SaaS offer? An ISV must have a Partner Center account to publish SaaS offers on the Azure Marketplace or AppSource through the Partner Center portal. By creating a Partner Center account and enrolling in the commercial marketplace, you can establish a publisher account, enabling you to publish your SaaS offer to Azure Marketplace or AppSource.
The webinar includes a demo showcasing various aspects such as:
- Accessing the Azure Marketplace catalog and AppSource catalog.
- Viewing the Azure Marketplace within a customer's Azure portal for seamless subscription to SaaS listings.
- Partner Center dashboard, account settings, and essential areas completed during the Partner Center sign-up process.
- Marketplace Offers section, where you can create new offers and complete the necessary steps for publication, including offer setup, properties, listing, preview audience, technical configuration, plan overview, co-selling with Microsoft, and reselling through CSPs.
The essential components of a SaaS Offer are also discussed:
- Landing Page: Connects customers to the ISV, handles customer authentication, gathers subscription information, facilitates onboarding, collects additional customer data, and validates purchases.
- Webhook: Notifies the ISV of changes in customer subscriptions, such as plan changes, suspensions, or cancellations. A demo includes a webhook payload for ChangeQuantity and examples of securing webhooks.
- Admin Portal: Enables ISVs to manage customer SaaS subscriptions, utilize SaaS APIs and client libraries for actions and verifications. A demo illustrates how an admin portal might function.
- SaaS Product: The actual product customers subscribe to and pay for.
- Metered Billing: Allows partners to bill customers based on feature usage, defining dimensions, setting prices on plans, using metered billing APIs to report usage, and attaching authentication and payload. A Postman demo demonstrates raw API calls for clarity.
To learn more register to watch the recording! Developing your SaaS offer Registration Page
Have follow up questions about this presentation's content? Comment below to continue the conversation with our subject matter experts!
- Configure your SaaS offer properties in Azure Marketplace
- Review the SaaS accelerator
- Use the SaaS client libraries
- Marketplace office hours
- Create a commercial marketplace account in Partner Center - Partner Center
- Assign user roles and permissions - Partner Center
- Manage a commercial marketplace account in Partner Center - Partner Center
- Set up commercial marketplace payout and tax profiles - Partner Center
- Mastering the Marketplace
Additional Resources
- Microsoft commercial marketplace publisher FAQ
- Cloud Partner Portal migration FAQ
- Get help and contact support in Partner Center
- Partner Center announcements
- Microsoft Partner Community - Microsoft Community Hub
- Marketplace Community - Microsoft Community Hub
- Publish an integrated solution
- Standard Contract for Microsoft commercial marketplace
- Cloud Solution Provider - Microsoft commercial marketplace - Azure - Marketplace publisher
Updated Mar 15, 2024
Version 1.0j_weller
Joined February 21, 2024
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