1339 TopicsStart learning how Copilot can help you by watching Microsoft Copilot for Security Flight School
Where traditional approaches to enterprise security can isolate security professionals from each other and business functions across highly fragmented environments, Microsoft Copilot for Security helps by redefining what security is and how security gets done. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce Microsoft Copilot for Security Flight School! Building on the foundational learning in Learn Live: Get started with Microsoft Copilot for Security, host Ryan Munsch, Principal Tech Specialist at Microsoft, explores several intermediate technical topics (L200+) in our flight school videos—ranging from what Microsoft Copilot for Security is (and what it isn’t) to key capabilities, experiences, and how to extend Copilot to your ecosystem. Each topical video is 10 mins or less, aligning to relevant learning modules on Microsoft Learn. This can prove valuable for IT pros looking to enhance their ability to process security signals and protect at the speed and scale of AI. Training topics include: What is Microsoft Copilot for Security? AI orchestration Standalone and embedded experiences Copilot in Entra, Intune, and Purview Manage your plugins Prompting Copilot Prompt engineering Using promptbooks Logic apps Extending Copilot to your ecosystem Check out Microsoft Copilot for Security Flight School today.Mondays at Microsoft | Episode 38
Busy weeks leading up to Microsoft Ignite 2024, and more to come. Stay in the know with Mondays at Microsoft. Karuana Gatimu and Heather Cook keep you grounded with the latest in AI, broader product awareness, community activities and events, and more. Join live on Monday, November 18th, 8:00am PST. Learn more about Mondays at Microsoft on Show notes and links to all that was shared and discussed during this episode: (Note: Coming soon | We add all links and show notes at the completion of the live episode)23Views0likes0CommentsDisplay a different colors for field in chart
Hi, we have to display different colors for current temp in chart below based on user mode selected where iscurrent column is 1. For example, Below visual shows data where deviceid selected is B0965C2B9CF2A6C855A3C245F6B72F1A: The color of the current temp should vary according to the user mode where iscurrent is 1. Therefore in this case, usermode is auto So color should be grey. if it is heat then red & if its cool then blue. Below measure i created, but i am confused how to apply them for above visual when updatedon date column is in x-axis. Dax: Column Color = VAR _UserMode = SELECTEDVALUE('HeatSense_Device'[UserMode]) RETURN SWITCH( TRUE(), _UserMode = "cool", "#12239E", _UserMode = "heat", "#FF8C00", _UserMode = "fan", "green", "#808080" ) Please advise! PFA file hereHeatsense - Copy - Copy.pbix Thanks in advance! SergeiBaklan11Views0likes1CommentComplex numbers in Excel
Did you know that Excel can handle complex mathematical operations with complex numbers? Complex numbers, expressed as "a + bi," where 'a' and 'b' are real numbers and 'i' is the imaginary unit, can be powerful tools in various scenarios. Think engineering, physics, signal processing, or even financial modelling. Excel offers native support for complex numbers, and you can perform basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division just as easily as with real numbers. If you haven't explored this yet, give it a shot! It's as simple as entering a formula like=IMSUM(A1:B1)or=IMPRODUCT(A1:B1) One nifty feature is the ability to convert complex numbers from rectangular to polar form and vice versa. This can be a game-changer in certain calculations, especially when dealing with phase angles or magnitude-based analyses. For this you can make use of the=IMABS(A1)and=IMARGUMENT()functions. As complex numbers are considered to be text within Excel you will need special functions to perform arithmetic with them, such as IMSUM, IMSUB, IMPRODUCT, and IMDIV. Excel can help you plot complex numbers on the complex plane using the XY Scatter chart! you will need the IMREAL and IMAGINARY functions to extract the real and imaginary coefficients from the complex number to use them to plot the numbers. This feature can be invaluable when dealing with complex data sets or analysing the behaviour of complex functions. If you're interested in learning more about complex numbers, I made a video covering all functions that work with complex numbers in Excel: Have you worked with complex numbers before in Excel? What specific use case did you have? Were there any obstacles you had to overcome?19KViews1like3CommentsInsider Builds
I have been an avid Microsoft user for many years with only a couple of small issues every now and again. The 6 weeks have been unbelievably stressful and disheartening. I thought trying samples of New Insider builds and enlisting in Azure for some up to date training for myself to help with what I wanted to roll out for my business. This has been the worst experience i have ever been apart of. I now have multiple computers and hardware in disarray but more importantly the loss of time and patience is paramount . I have come to realise the repetitive responses and requests for data collection on feedback or issues is one-sided The amount of user data submissions is not the issue though. It is the assistance from Microsoft regarding issue via portals, help-desk etc. The inclusion of many backend functions for the purpose of better user experience is heavily flawed. Unless end-user inadvertently has or encounters issues in there OS life is good. Heavily automated program tiggers sit through all OS builds for example. One drive. Regardless whether this is declined or removed it will always be running in the background. If you system had been compromised this is a perfect place for root-kit other Malware to spread. Xcopy: A Microsoft background function which has the ability clone and copy 99% of drivers of operating info structure. Can be controlled by ghost script directives or embedded dll to aid malware. Anti-virus or defender find difficulties identifying or distinguishing authentic and re-pro-ducted data. In time this type of incursion can mimic a vast amount of OS functionality. Microsoft OS validity. I have trailed numerous builds with all sharing this characteristic. Invalid or expired software and driver certificates & TPM flaws even after a full clean reset and TPM turned off in bios. Inevitably this can introduce compromised software without end-user knowledge. The impact leads to unauthorised access in many elements of the OS platform especially data access and embedded .dll which can run inline or above elevated authorisation. A lot of this is undetectable. Once embedded in OS and bios this is impossible to clean without expert assistance and can be very costly. For the most part the inclusion of new AI functionality across the OS platform is very welcomed. Unfortunately there are a large amount of bugs to be ironed out especially in the platform navigation. Advice provided via OS AI can be mis-leading or incorrect. .网上赌正规靠谱平台推荐{威:mu20009}
网上赌AG真人视讯,百家乐,正规靠谱大平台推荐,好平台,最近可能很多人和我一样,同样的都遇到一些关于,腾龙现场文化的视频方面的问题包括现场视频是不是真的等一系列的问题。没错是的,正如您所说,现场画面看起来确实栩栩如生,他看似清晰可见!不过不管怎么样,我想这也不影响大家有个人独特的看法,因此很显然对于咱们还没有到现场的朋友来说。确实不敢明确的相信或指出说是否真实存在的画面,所以也许大家会有一些不一样的看法,我觉得这是很正常的。《图里有生活的精髓》《必看懂》 不过 话说回来,我个人的话 平时没事就比较喜欢到处游走,可能我属于那种喜欢一个人游山玩水的爱好者。从小喜欢到处游走,十多年来也去过不少地方,也认识或见识了很多人和很多事。包括现如今我们所提到的现场方面,我本人也身临其境。准确的说,的确如同画面一样的真实存在。这一点对于到过现场的人来说,显然是无可厚非的事实。 话说 虽然我们在工作或生活中,难免会遇到一些挑战,或者困难!不过人们往往奋力前行,不惧艰辛!就如同现在的你我,我们遇到问题,也同样勇于面对,并且我相信大家都在努力处理好生活中遇到的种种挑战,种种困难。并且我相信大家可以做到这一点。 现在的我非常理解大家此时的心情,包括我们大家可能都是从去年开始就遇到关于腾龙现在他们在哪里,或不知去向?或不知在哪里可以开,户。如果大家的确都遇到类似问题的话,那么别人可以以我个人所知晓的情况和大家聊聊,《本人特此声明》所有内容仅供参考:仅供参考,不惧有特殊或推荐或指引性。 您知道,现在是互联网科技盛行时代,人家也不可能因为这点小小的问题,就导致全部停止运转,显然这个是不现实的,因为现在随着互联网科技发达以便捷,要想恢复也不算难。所以这个对于他们来说并不是太难的问题。也不是什么过不去的坎坷。 同时我也由衷地祝福大家,祝愿大家身体健康,万事如意,阖家欢乐,财源滚滚。祝福一直在生活中默默努力默默付出的老哥们,祝您一路长虹啊!感谢您的认真阅读,既然我们在此论文中相识我认为也是一种缘分。我在想大家可能都有着相似的情景或经历。因此其才能牵引着我们在此共识。那么我祝大家早日上岸,当然比起祝大家早日上岸,我显然更希望大家是岸上人。是幸福快乐的人。至此,本人的论文也到此结束了!感谢您的认真阅读。谢谢大家!10Views0likes0CommentsConverting excel data into a printable calendar template
My work runs about 200 events per year. These are listed in an excel spreadsheet. However they also have a word template which has the layout of an annual calendar. This means there are months across the top, and dates down the left hand side (like those big annual calendars you see on a noticeboard). Everytime they add an event or edit an event, it has to be done in the excel spreadsheet manually, and then go into the word spreadsheet manually. I am wondering if there is a way to update it in excel and it magically links to a template (or app) that has the look of a wall calendar. It seems there is a lot double handling and opportunity to make mistakes. Thanks Tammy189KViews0likes75CommentsDouble Thunking Works Wonders!
Given that most Excel users would not dream of employing one thunk, you might well ask why even consider nested thunks! The use case explored here is to return all the combinations by which one might choose m objects from n(not just a count of options =COMBIN(n,m), but the actual combinations) Knowing that sometimes allows one to deploy an exhaustive search of options to determine the best strategy for a task. Before considering the task further, one might ask 'what is a thunk; isn't it far too complicated to be useful?' All it is, is a LAMBDA function that evaluates a formula when used, the same as any other function. The formula could be an expensive calculation or, rather better, no more than a simple lookup of a term from a previously calculated array. The point is, that whilst 'arrays of arrays' are not currently supported in Excel, an array of functions is fine, after all, an unrun function is little more than a text string. Only when evaluated, does one recover an array. In the example challenge, each cell contains an list/array of binary numbers, which might itself run into the hundreds of terms. A '1' represents a selected object whilst a '0' is an omitted object. Rather like the counts of combinations obtained from Pascal's triangle, each cell is derived from the contents of the cell to the left and the cell above. This is SCAN on steroids, accumulating array results in two directions. Running down the sheet, the new combination contains those of the above cell, but all the objects are shifted left and an empty slot appears to the right. These values are appended to those from the left, in which the member objects are shifted left but the new object is added to the right. So the challenge is to build a 2D array, each member of which is itself an array. The contents of each cell is represented by a thunk; each row is therefore an array of thunks which, for REDUCE to treat it as a single entity, requires it to be securely tucked inside its own LAMBDA, to become a thunk containing thunks. Each pair of rows defined by REDUCE is itself SCANned left to right to evaluate the new row. By comparison the 2D SCAN required for the Levenshtein distance which measure the similarity of text strings was a pushover. I am not expecting a great amount of discussion to stem from this post but, if it encourages just a few to be a little more adventurous in the way they exploit Excel, its job will be done! p.s. The title of this discussion borrows from the Double Diamond advert for beer in the 1960s1KViews2likes19Comments