1224 TopicsMS Word Spanish word Bug
Microsoft Office 2013 all the way to 2021 LTSC has a bug in the spanish language grammar and orthographic checker. The grammar and orthographic checker does not detect and mark the following words: doscientes trescientes cuatrocientes quinientes seiscientes Setecientes Ochocientes Novecientes Correct words would be with "a" or "o" as the last vocals: doscientos trescientos cuatrocientos quinientos seiscientos Setecientos Ochocientos Novecientos All of the former are the spanish names for numbers representing hundreds.26Views0likes1CommentMicrosoft Word file names changing to .~WRD[4 Digits] and then deleting themselves
I have multiple word documents saved on an external hard drive. After upgrading to Microsoft Word for Mac Version 16.55 (21111400) and upgrading my mac to Mac OS Catalina Version 10.15.7, I started noticing issues when trying to save Word documents on my external hard drive. When I try to hit Command+Save (and sometimes before I even try to save), the file name changes to .~WRD followed by 4 random digits. Then I get an error message stating "Additional permissions are required to access the following files: /Volumes/G-DRIVE mobile USB-C/.Te...ing Saved by Word 170)/.~WRD3512." When I hit the "Select" button, I am then taken to a menu that says "Please select the file .~WRD3512." But no file appears and I cant select "Grant Access." So I click cancel. When I try to select File > Save, I get the message: This document’s file has been changed by another application since you opened or saved it. The changes made by the other application will be lost if you save. Save anyway? If I select save, I get taken back to the Grant File Access page described above. So I cant save the document. Then, when I try to close out the document, it gives me the prompt: Do you want to save the changes made to the document “.~WRD3512 [Compatibility Mode]”? Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. In the case of the lost document, since I couldn't save, I had to click "Don't Save." Then, I saw that neither the original document was in the folder nor was the renamed document. So my document completely disappeared, despite years of working on it and saving it multiple times. Since it was on an external hard drive, Time Machine didn't back it up and I have no idea where it is. Im absolutely mortified and stressed as this was a very long and important document. I simply cannot understand or believe how this happened. Has anyone had a similar problem to this? Do you know how I can recover the file? Does anyone know why this happened / what is happening? Any info would be greatly appreciated13KViews0likes12CommentsDisable Copilot in Microsoft 365 Personnel et Famille
Hi, I was particularly annoyed to see the Copilot icon appearing recently on all products (word, excel,...). Impossible to disable it on Mac. Particularly bugging as I definitely do not want to either test or use Copilot. What can be done? Or when the issue will be solved? BR25Views1like1CommentAll the macro parts are appeared as "{MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown}"
Hello. I am having trouble with my word format. All the macro parts are appeared as " { MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown } " after I opened a new reference style file from Endnote. I removed and reinstalled the office, but it didn't help. I am currently using Office Home & Student 2016. Need help!10Views0likes1CommentExternal user with "Reviewer" permission not able to edit content controls
A document was shared to an external user by me with "Reviewer" permission. He reported that he was not able to edit contents of the content controls (regardless of the type). I validated this by sharing the document to my personal email and faced the same issue.28Views0likes1CommentShortcuts key don't work on Word, and the commands don't exist in keyboard shortcuts "customize"
I cannot use control+c, control+v, control+z, control+y, control+x or control+a on Word on my new computer. when checking Customize shortcut keys in options->customize ribbon, These keys are not assigned to any command, and the relevant commands (undo, redo, copy, paste etc.) do not appear at all, not inder "all commands" and not anywhere else. They do appear in the customize ribbon. I tried resetting the customize keyboard, and it didn't help.68Views0likes3Commentsto big title bar in Office 365 update 2408
Hi all, since a couple of days I have to work with the ugly, annoying, awful, ... user interface in Office 365. The title bar size became horrible large. Compared with an explorer window from Win 10 it is nearly the double height. As an Office Poweruser (I'm working with the office products (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook) unluckily the whole day) I'm looking for smallen the title bar again. There was a registry hack, but on my machine this isn't working anymore. Because of the ribbon interface and a lot of not needed functions this is how my Quick Access Toolbars (QAT) are looking like: Now somebody could tell my, "OK, switch the QAT to the top, so that the title bar get more sense! Problem is, that the monochrome icons are absolutly boring AND especially for Word I can't differ between my macros, which I set with different colours. The title bar is smaller because of the standard buttons and the search field, so that not all my most loved commands have space here Dragging the window can not be done with the title bar, as it was since the beginning of time. I need to find some space somewhere. Does someone have an idea to reduce the size of the title bar as it was before? Or does someone have an idea to colorize the icons, when they are inside the title bar? If I consider that the taskbar is also increasing in size, especially in WIN 11 where this isn't adjustable, both sides (top + bottom) in sum are steeling to many space. Cheers! Kay407Views1like3CommentsBeta 2502. Issues with files from the internet, mail, etc.
When I try to open a Docx or Docm file that originated from the internet, I get the attached message and the file does not open. So far, I have only encountered this behavior with Docm files, which then open with a red warning bar but can still be edited with macros disabled. I have not seen this before with Docx files. The message is also misleading because it does not indicate the ZoneIdentifier, but rather implies that there are no file permissions. This is misleading and completely unnecessary for Docx files since there is no security issue involved. For DOCM files, neither a certificate nor listing as a trusted publisher helps.36Views0likes4Comments