Stuck on a register loop when logging in to Microsoft Learn

Copper Contributor

When I log in to Microsoft Learn, I am transferred to a register page:



Before registering with this Microsoft Account, please check if you may have previously registered with

a different account.


Even though I have a account that before.

I can complete the registration process and view my profile, but when I try to access ms learn content, the registration process restarts.


So I can only read ms learn content as logged out. But then my progress is not saved, and I cannot do Applied Skills or register for a exam, that I had planned to do on Friday next week.

I have restarted my computer, tried incognito mode, other browsers (Edge/Chrome) and also on Android phone (Edge/Chrome), both on Wifi and Cellular, but the same happens there. So the problem should not be on my side.


I have had help from Microsoft Support Ambassador that tried to get past this error, but after a while he/she directed me to this support forum.





2 Replies
I have some updated info. A colleague can log in with his account, so the problem is narrowed down to my account. I worked on Friday, so something must have happened after that. I do not remember doing any changes to the account itself, so there may have been something other that has affected my account.

So I guess I need help from some Admin that can check what is wrong with my MS Learn account.
I managed to add a "Linked Account", with my work e-mail. And when I log in with my work e-mail, Microsoft Learn works fine. The problem seems to be in the "base" account then. It is the base account that is "connected to the certification profile".