Why ReportViewerWebPart.wsp don't work on SharePoint 2019 with Kerberos?

Iron Contributor


I have ReportViewerWebPart.wsp web part (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=55949) installed on SharePoint 2019 with Kerberos.

I have error “Error For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

In Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4 on SharePoint server I see this errors: "TGS Request Realm: MYDOMAIN.COM Sname: krbtgt/NT AUTHORITY

All settings right as discussed in this post (https://joshroark.com/sharepoint-2016-configure-the-ssrs-report-viewer-web-part/).

Why ReportViewerWebPart.wsp don't work on SharePoint 2019 with Kerberos?

BR, Vasily Zaytsev






1 Reply

Sorry I don't exactly have an answer, but I'm seeing a similar nonsensical request to "krbtgt/NT AUTHORITY@<domain fqdn>" that I've traced back to print spooler service on Windows clients trying to access shared printers on a print server.
The apparent problem is that no such SPN exists in my domain - but why spooler is even trying to find such a nonsensical spn in the first place has me stumped. It appears to be related to remediations performed by the PrintNightmare patches, but I haven't had any luck narrowing it down more than that.