Jul 12 2023 07:14 AM
I've been working on this page for a while, and unfortunately I am not sure how to remove the white space from a modern page layout. I tried using the same JSON header code I found for the homepage, but it doesn't seem to carry over. Perhaps I'm missing something within this code.
"elmType": "div",
"txtContent": "=[$Title]",
"attributes": {},
"style": {
"font-weight": "=if([$IsFinal], 'bold', '')",
"padding-left": "=if([$IsFinal], '0em', '2em')"
"customRowAction": {},
"children": []
I also tried copying the homepage layout and bringing over the information, but unfortunately the table on the homepage doesn't keep it's aspect ratio on smaller screens, causing the contents within the table to shift in different directions.
We unfortunately do not have access to the back end of Sharepoint to edit the code. I removed the title by going to the Site Pages Library, then clicking on Properties, and then deleting the text within the Title category. Does anyone have any ideas how to remove this white space?
Thank you!