Term Store Managed Metadata and Mapping not showing anywhere

Brass Contributor



I have a document library that has a load of company files in, we've setup a term store to catogrise these files such as templates, examples etc. these are tagged using a managed metadata column called Document Type. This document type i mapped to refinablestring001 in the search settings, but for some reason it is not picking up anything across the sites when I try to use it as a filter, for example I am using the PnP Modern Search webpart, and the refiners for the Filter section don't display any of the Document Type tags, if I pick Refinablestring001 as the source, but in the All Tags section it does show all the Document Type tags. 


I set up the mapping a week ago so its def done a few crawls since then but still not showing. It also doesn't work with the Highlighted Content part, if I choose it and choose a filter type it does nothing. 


The mapping name in search settings is Document_x0020_Type. 

Am I doing this correctly? I haven't really got my head around the search mapping etc.



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