Apr 28 2020 12:35 PM
When I click on a pdf file either in search results or the document library web part the file opens in the web browser. When I put a link to the same file in an image web part the file opens in the SharePoint pdf viewer.
Is there a way to change the default or disable the SharePoint pdf viewer so that clicking on a link to a pdf will always open in the web browser?
It normally wouldn't make a difference but there appears to be a bug in the SharePoint pdf viewer that doesn't recognize all hyperlinks. They show in blue but there is no link. We have a pdf with many hyperlinks to other documents on the SharePoint site. When the pdf is opened in a web browser all the hyperlinks work correctly.
If anyone is curious how to make the hyperlinks fail in the SharePoint viewer here is what we did. We created a Word document and set the hyperlink base to be a SharePoint Document Library. In the document there are various hyperlinks - some to external sites and some to filenames in the Document Library. The Word document was saved as a pdf. The pdf was opened in Adobe reader and all the links - both external and SharePoint worked. We uploaded the pdf to SharePoint. If the file is opened in the web browser all hyperlinks work. If it is opened using the SharePoint pdf viewer only the external links work. The links to files in the Document Library don't.
If we could just get rid of the SharePoint pdf viewer everything would work fine since everyone's web browsers can view pdf files.
Apr 29 2020 10:23 AM
For security reasons, SharePoint prefers to open PDF files, especially with a hyperlink through SharePoint PDF viewer. Syncing the Document Library and open the PDF file from the computer may resolve this.
I know it's bothering many users but SharePoint trying to keep the environment safe.
Hope this resolve the issue 🙂
Apr 29 2020 11:14 AM
No. That can't be true. Otherwise, they would not allow the Open in Browser option at all and it wouldn't be the normal behavior when clicking on a pdf from search results or from the Document Library Web Part.
Jul 30 2020 12:21 AM
Yes I have also found this very annoying...we have a system which is fronted by a Visio diagram on the home page...the links from the visio shapes open the pdf documents in full web browser mode.
Where as the quick links web part underneath only open the pdfs in the sharepoint web viewer and we don't want our users to see version history for a start (thats for the Quality control team only) but actually more importantly the sharepoint pdf viewer displays the full A4 page in the window, and its difficult to read whereas Id prefer the full browser view as it fits the page by width and you can actually read the content.
You would that that there being a different URL for standard open and the web browser open the link should work for each type of experience. It's baffling.
Oct 16 2020 05:45 AM
@Darren Graham This also has user experience implications: consider a Sharepoint communications site with links to various PDF documents. When you link to those documents using the Quick Links webpart and the site opens them using the SharePoint pdf viewer, the viewer puts its own toolbar up. One of the options on that toolbar is a "close" cross. Hitting that cross does not back you out to the page, rather it just closes the document and dumps you into the directory the PDF sits in, which the user may never even have seen before and certainly might not be familiar with.
This is very bad from a UX standpoint, and even just a URL modifier that I could manually append to each Quick Link to use the browser's own PDF viewer would be helpful.
Dec 29 2020 07:34 AM
Has this been resolved? I have a link to a PDF for students. When they close the documents, it opens up the document library. I need the window close instead. The way it works now is illogical.
Jan 04 2021 02:18 AM
No, the behaviour is still active for me.
Mar 09 2021 08:04 PM
Dec 14 2021 04:33 AM
Dec 15 2021 05:25 AM
We too are not happy with the lack of functionality. We have a PDF of a word document, which contains a table. When the pdf is opened in sharepoint, we are unable to search the table in the pdf! When you open in the browser, we can search the document, and hit the table. It is very frustrating that we have to open, then open in browser, to obtain search functionality.
Jan 27 2022 10:34 AM
@John Twohig @jm_herard @LeeUnderwood @NanetteDV @KDRUIS
Not a fix but more a workaround. The issue is specific to the QuickLink web part. For PDFs it adds a ?web=1 to the end of the address forcing the PDF to open in the SharePoint PDF viewer. I thought the solution may be to use #page=1 to force it to open in the browser, but the web modifier it adds overrides the page modifier.
My solution, was to load the address (https://organization.sharepoint.com/sites/SiteName/LibraryName/Portable%20Document%20Format.pdf) into a URL shortener like bit.ly or tinyurl.com then use the generated link (https://bit.ly/[whatever]) in the QuickLink web part. That worked for me.
Jan 28 2022 12:42 AM
Oct 30 2023 09:52 AM
Oct 30 2023 09:57 AM
Oct 30 2023 10:01 AM
Aug 29 2024 12:16 PM
This is still an issue in 2024, sadly. For what it's worth, here is a potential javascript-based workaround I've been looking into. I'm offering it as help to anyone else who stumbles upon this thread looking for a potential solution.
The sharing URL (which contains a unique token and does not show the file name or path) does not seem to be configurable to open natively in the browser's own PDF viewer. The sharing URL looks something like this: "https://<TENANT>.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/<SITE_NAME>/<UNIQUE_TOKEN>"
The sharing URL redirects to a viewing URL, which has a different format. The viewing URL always opens the doc in the SharePoint viewer. The URL looks something like this: "https://<TENANT>.sharepoint.com/sites/<SITE_NAME>/Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?...<QUERY_PARAMS_INCLUDING_FILE_PATH>". To my knowledge, this doesn't seem to be configurable either; plus, you don't have control over it, because it's returned in the Location header for the 302 response you get from accessing the sharing URL.
A path-based URL (that accesses the file via the SharePoint library path) does open in the browser's own PDF viewer. The URL looks like this: "https://<TENANT>.sharepoint.com/sites/<SITE_NAME>/<PATH_TO_DOCUMENT_IN_THE_LIBRARY>/<FILE_NAME>.pdf" However, the path URL is only accessible if a) you are authenticated (logged into SharePoint), OR b) if you have previously visited the sharing URL. This is because the sharing URL sets a browser cookie that gets used for authentication later when the user tries to access the path URL.
Workaround / Hacky Javascript solution
This concept worked when tested in a new `about:blank` tab in Chrome:
function visit(url, shouldClose = false) {
let w = window.open(url, "_blank");
if (shouldClose) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
// To get to the final "path URL" that opens natively in the browser,
// you have to do something like this:
visit(sharingURL, true);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
For testing purposes, I manually put together the path URL, but if you're generating the sharing link on the backend (via Microsoft Graph API), you can likewise build the path URL from the path property of the list item fetched from the graph API.
Sep 03 2024 06:27 AM
@John Twohig I would also dearly like to be able to set PDFs in SharePoint to open in the Browser rather than the "preview" which, as you say, does not recognize all links and also does not have search capability. When using SP as a document repository, I would think a basic necessity would be for people to be able to search t hose document for information they need and use hyperlinks. While SP can be set to Open MS docs in browser, online app or desktop app by default, this does not apply to PDF which always opens in preview by default, and I believe the setting are for yourself rather than for all users. When sharing PDFs I always either open in browser and copy that URL rather than using the copy/share function or simply delete everything in the URL after .pdf. That way, you can share the URL and it will open in browser for the recipient. Not ideal, and doesn't help with document libraries....
Sep 03 2024 06:32 AM
Sep 03 2024 06:41 AM