KQL query with Highlighted Web Part

Copper Contributor

I have a top-level site with multiple sub-sites in a site collection in O365. All subsites have the same list named "Participants". This list has a column named "Status" which is a choice field of "Interested", "Invested" or "Committed". I want to use a Highlighted Web Part on the top-level site to roll-up content from all Participants lists based off of three different views from the Status field. How do I do this?


In using a "Custom query" and flagging the Source as "All sites", I am able to pull some information by using the Query text (KQL) "Title:Participants". This pulls some data, but not the right data. When I combine other parameters to the query, such as: 


Then the query blows up. What I am looking to get are the individual contents of each Participants list based off the Status field designation. Is this possible?

1 Reply



Here is a screenshot of my query attempt. If it can be done using the OOTB property filter instead of the custom filter then great. I'll use that if it'll get what I need.