Is there a way to disable users from creating office 365 groups?

Brass Contributor

I came to know that we can disable the users from creating office 365 groups globally. According to Office article  we can give permission to only one or few groups to create groups permission using powershell. We can add the users into those particular groups if we want to give permission to create groups. But how we can set exclusively for one user not to create office 365 groups?

28 Replies

Yes, it's clear. So follow the instructions on the article for disabling Office 365 group creation tenant wide, and then creating a Group which will be allowed to create O365 groups. After that open the Security Group and clic the X on the user you don't want to allow O365 group creation.

Following the article's naming, and for adding all users to the security group:

$GroupId = (Get-MsolGroup -SearchString "AllowedtoCreateGroups").Objectid.Guid

Get-MsolUser -All | Where-Object { $_.isLicensed -eq "TRUE" } | ForEach { Add-MsolGroupMember -GroupObjectId $GroupId -GroupMemberType User -GroupMemberObjectId $_.ObjectId }

I filtered on all licensed users, but you can add filtering on other properties as well.

please give an update if the solution fits your needs
The steps are exactly as described on the Microsoft documentation. Disable group creation for all users with Powershell. Give group creation permissions to a security group. Make alle users that are allowed to make groups member of this security group. In your case that means all users except one.


I have asked is there option at user level to configure. But none of the response has straight answer Yes or no. Finally I understand that seems there is no way. 

But as per office article, we can disable group creation at globally. Then create new group and give permission only to that group to create new group. Add the required users to whom I want to give permissions for group creation. 

Please correct me if I am wrong

I think the answer to your question is Yes.
If you follow the article and add All Users to the "Allowed Group", then you can remove users with just one clic.

Same answer I have included in the question. But I am checking at user level not at group level.

I got the answer. Thanks for your time. 

I think this is what your looking for located in azure AD instead of office365, i was wondering the same thing, i haven't tested it put it appears to be the setting


@Mihir Yelamanchili