How to (re)subscribe to SharePoint auto news digest email?

Brass Contributor

How can a user subscribe (or rather, resubscribe after clicking the unsubscribe link in the email) to the SharePoint "news you might have missed" emails?  

Also, is there a PowerShell or API way to audit which users have unsubscribed (or remain subscribed)?

4 Replies
I am also curious how to do this.


  1. On any SharePoint site, in the upper-left corner, next to the app launcher (waffle), click on the word "SharePoint".
  2. Click on the gear in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click on "Email Notification Settings".
  4. Toggle on "Digest of news posts you've missed."



Thanks for the reply. I was really looking for how I can do this as an administrator (across the organization) rather than manual steps to pass on to the end-users.
Agreed. Unfortunately I think Microsoft looks at this as a user preference. The only thing that can be done is send out a communication to try to get them to re-subscribe. 🤷🏻‍:male_sign: