Forum Discussion
How to create a tile view on modern SharePoint list: how do I adapt JSON code found
Goal: to create cards based on a list that when clicked go to a desired page.
I have found the following instructions:
- Navigate to your list
- On the right side of the command bar click on All Items and then Format this View
- Format view: Select Gallery
- Click Advance mode. Paste in JSON code and click Save
I found the JSON code below that provided the desired functionality: converting the entire tile/card from a list into a clickable link. However, some of the columns are not being displayed. Title displays; Cover (an image), Notes, and Link don't display.
- Cover = hyperlink or picture
- Notes = multiple lines of text
- Link = hyperlink or picture
- Title = single line of text
In full disclosure, I don't know JavaScript or JSON, however I can follow clear instructions well.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
"$schema": "",
"height": 337,
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"hideSelection": false,
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"display": "=if([$Cover] == '', 'none', '')"
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Vanessa Martin9 The steps you are following to get to the JSON are correct. Try removing following part from your JSON in advanced mode and click Save button to save the changes made to JSON:
, "customRowAction": { "action": "defaultClick" }
Let us know if this works for you!
Please click Mark as Best Response & Like if my post helped you to solve your issue. This will help others to find the correct solution easily. It also closes the item. If the post was useful in other ways, please consider giving it Like.
- Vanessa Martin9Brass Contributor
Hi ganeshsanap. In reposting the JSON on the list, I found that the card now behaves as a link, however some of the columns are not displaying - Cover (which is an image), Link, and Notes. I have updated my original post to reflect the new situation. Thanks.