Adding google analytics to modern sharepoint site using SPFX Extension

Copper Contributor


We have a requirement to add Google Analytics to Sharepoint Online modern site - not to Site Collection

I followed below tutorial, but when i build it, i get the following error on  eval(` line of code.


			window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
			function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
			gtag('js', new Date());    
			gtag('config',  '${trackingID}');


Warning-lint - src/extensions/googleanalytics/GoogleanalyticsApplicationCustomizer.ts(51,7): error no-eval: eval can be harmful. 

Can any one recommend, how to either fix the above error, or some other way, to incorporate GA4 to Sharepoint site please?
Thank you

1 Reply
I would recommend you using Microsoft Clarity instead and incorporating Analytics to that!

Also, GA and Clarity is not compliant with GDPR etc! So if you plan to use it in a company that's in the EU, it's not recommended