Project health indicators

Brass Contributor



I am kind of struggling displaying graphics as project health indicators. I am able to display text without any problem. I have tried all steps to display icons but in vain 


I am the project online admin 


Any suggestions 



20 Replies
Thank you Paul. I will certainly go through this. The text status which I have now in project Center is the same it’s just I switched to text instead of graphics as graphics wasn’t working.
ThePM-CA --

It would really help us to troubleshoot your graphical indicators criteria if you could share the formula you are using and the graphical indicator criteria you are attempting to use. I would suspect your graphical indicator criteria are not correctly written, but I could be wrong. Please share these with us. Thanks!
I created a lookup table and a custom field called project status the lookup table is projectststus. I have assigned the lookup table to the field
Entity type is project and type is text
Values to display is set to data if I turn to graphical indicators nothing is displayed


@ThePM-CA can you paste a screenshot of the lookup table values and the the graphical indicator config on the field?



 this is my lookup table 

sequence is characters 

separator is .



@ThePM-CA ,

Do you have a screenshot of the graphical indicator settings on that field?


No I don’t I had before. So I created a new demo field assigned the existing lookup table and set the criteria to non summary rows for graphical indicators

I set the criteria initially to project summary too


The image didn't work before? Keen to see the test / values in the graphical indicators settings. Also just to confirm, the graphical indicators do not display on the Project Detail Pages, in PWA they only appear in the grids such as the Project Center grids (once the field/s are added to the views).


@Paul_Mather here’s the graphical indicator 


I am the admin for project online.

The graphical indicator is displayed on the grid in project Center
When I open the project in project desktop I can’t even add the demoststus column in desktop

On the contrary the text status which I had originally is working fine I have the column inserted in project desktop and I can select project status values all text based and not reflects in project online project Center


From your last post it sounds like you do correctly see the indicators in PWA now as you state you see them in the project center grid.

In project desktop, where are you trying to add the new field? Project level fields will automatically be included in the Project Information window (Project tab > Project Information). The indicator will not display in the Project Information window in project desktop, it will be the text value here also. 

Any changes to fields / data in Project Desktop will need to be publish, not just saved, to be visible in PWA. Publish is via the File > Info > Publish button.


ThePM-CA --

In your lookup table, I see five possible text values. But in your graphical indicator, I see that you are testing for only three of those five values. This means that if the field contains one of the other two values, then the system will return a blank value in that field. Do you have any projects that do meet one of the three criteria for which you are testing? If not, you will not see any values in this column in the Project Center page. Just a thought. Hope this helps.
I do publish projects and that’s how all text values are reflected in project online project Center. Even when I open a project project desktop I can easily add a project status column and select from the drop down possible values which roll to all all tasks. And when I go to project centre I open that project and publish and all good with text values.
I added those three values for a demo field just to try as I don’t want to disrupt the original values. And it’s not working

@ThePM-CA Are these projects with the following values:

  • Not Started
  • Completed
  • In Progress

From your field config, those are the only indicators that will display.

The only icon which is displayed is for the not started even though I just changed it to in progress and published

@ThePM-CA I'm not sure where you are editing / publishing from but can you test from the PDP such as the Project Detail PDP in PWA for the example project, change the field value, click Save on the ribbon, then click Close on the ribbon and then check the Project Center grid to see the updated value (hopefully).


I am not using PWA I use project online I open project in project desktop and when I change status using a custom field I check in from project desktop and when I go to project online I open it click on edit and publish