Forum Discussion
Why does OneDrive have access to regedit??? Lost my files!!!
Unfortunately " user profile path registry into the cloud or OneDrive's folder path?" makes absolutely no sense. Please take advantage of one of the ample OneDrive tutorials on the net before rambling about the cloud and registry. I've been using these tools sicne the last century and your misunderstanding of the basic concepts is a dangerous thing when turned to mucking about under the hood with your files.
These cloud sync systems have been around for a generation now. If you want to argue about the underlying design of how OneDrive (or Dropbox, Google Drive etc) works then that ship sailed a very long time ago.
Admittedly I'm nowhere near an expert on OneDrive, yet your responses merely point out my lack of technical jargon understanding regarding the cloud instead of addressing the actual issue that led to this mess. You clearly understand what I mean by the sentence which you called as nonsense, since I've elaborated on it in my original post. OneDrive asked me a single query; do I want to back up folders like Documents, Downloads, Desktop, etc, into OneDrive? And I said yes before changing my mind. So why would OneDrive edit Windows' registry, so that the Windows' path to what it recognizes as user folders such as Documents, is changed to the one at my local OneDrive folder that's synced to the cloud? Clearly the prompt does something that's completely different from what it proposes the user to be doing.
And that's not even touching the fact that I've followed Microsoft's official guides in their websites to migrate my OneDrive local folder path, yet it somehow still creates a new folder that's in a different path than the one that I've explicitly provided like I mentioned in my original post... If you're arguing that I'm misunderstanding the basic concepts of OneDrive, then you would argue that Microsoft's guide are grossly inadequate.