Request Files announcement

Brass Contributor

I just saw the Request Files feature in the admin portal and had a question in regards to its availability.


In the announcement, it says this: 


"What do I need to do to prepare for this change?


This feature is on by default for tenants that have already enabled Anyone edit links for folders.

There is nothing you need to do to prepare for this change, but you may consider updating your user training and notifying your help desk. Learn more:"


Is this feature only available if you allow the anyone link type or is it also available if you have disabled the Anyone links?


22 Replies
Yes, we need to allow Anyone to upload a file to a specified SharePoint folder location. the uploader will not be authenticating, and will not have view/edit to files. honestly, we don't even know who the uploader is, they will be uploading applications for consideration.
we can do this in OneDrive, but we want the uploaded files to go to a SharePoint site, not to a singular OneDrive file.
We have tried to use the Upload File from Forms, but it won't allow an Anyone link setting for the Share.
Honestly, it getting hard to keep advocating for Microsoft when things as simple as file requests cannot be done at a simple permission level. If you allow only users in a specific security group to share externally I would think adding the file request there would be a great way to solve problems, but I guess here is where I take the walk of shame and suggest third-party apps. Hopefully, Microsoft can hear our pain!
Been 3 years now since the last update on this one. Hoping it'll come to fruition one day. Very annoying that we can lock down sharing links to New or Existing Guests (security and compliance means that at the very least we need to be able to track who has access), but doing this breaks the request files feature.