Jan 06 2017 01:38 AM
Jan 06 2017 01:38 AM
Has anyone else seen this?
A new empty folder called 'Attachments' has appeared in all our users' OneDrive account and we can't figure out why. Searching online hasnt returned any suggestions either.
Jan 06 2017 02:00 AM - edited Jan 06 2017 02:45 AM
Jan 06 2017 02:00 AM - edited Jan 06 2017 02:45 AM
Yeah, I think it could be related to the mailbox: attachements may be automatically saved from your email. But there is no such option in the mail settings.
Jan 06 2017 02:02 AM
Jan 06 2017 02:02 AM
Interesting... but we don't have Exchange Online 🙂
Jan 06 2017 02:10 AM
Jan 06 2017 02:10 AM
Okay, so it's happening to both Office 365 and On-premise... Mmm, any Microsoft's people here?
Jan 06 2017 02:22 AM
Seeing the same here, the folder was created a couple of days ago. I thought it might be related to saving attachments from Outlook but I can't see a connection. Saving attachments from Outlook on the web goes to an 'Email Attchments' folder, saving attachments from Outlook 2016 goes to the root of OneDrive.
Jan 06 2017 02:39 AM
Jan 09 2017 07:50 PM
Great isn't it that they have done something without telling people.
I tried to delete, but it keeps re-appearing.
Jan 10 2017 01:42 AM
I did not send any attachment from OWA and nevertheless the attachment folder magically appeared about six days ago...
Mar 16 2017 02:36 PM
I have the same issue.. I have a normal folder called email attachments ( I'm Dutch, so it is called E-mail bijlagen) Suddenly one (one time even two) folders 'Attachments / Attachments (2) appear.. Even more strange is, that they even appear in Dutch sometimes and than they are called 'Bijlagen'. These folders are created on strange date / time combination and donnot contain any files and are easely removed but I would like to know where they come form.. More importend how can I prevent them from being created.
Mar 16 2017 11:44 PM
Mar 17 2017 12:00 AM
I found one discussion on MS forum, solution is attachment setting in outlook. I made the changes in outlook setting, Now no more attachment folder. Please see following url, hope this helps
May 21 2017 10:52 PM
May 21 2017 10:52 PM
If you are on a Mac, I have a solution that takes 30 seconds to permanently hide this "Attachments" folder. It uses the Terminal app. http://eastmeadia.com/blog/user-experience/stop-creating-onedrive-attachments-folder/
Jun 20 2017 05:20 AM
I delete it every time I see it. I noticed it reappears after I restart OneDrive, or if I save an attachment from e-mail - even though I always choose the folder to save attachments in. Once I hit "download" it seems t ocreate the folder just in case I want to use it.
Gues what Microsoft: this is poor programming. Set us up with clear documentation of (a) why and how this folder exists and (b) how to prevent it. My OneDrive and Office365 account should have that setting available to me.
Aug 04 2017 12:06 PM - edited Aug 04 2017 12:11 PM
This folder is automatically added when you have ODFB connected to your Organization account.
Basically if you attach a file to Outlook and before sending the mesage you choose to upload to OneDrive the attachment will be stored in the Attachment folder. The file will be automatically shared with the recipient as Viewer/Editor.
The recipient can open the file directly on the mail link, edit and close it. When doing that the recipient is modifying the file that is stored in the Attachment folder.
Long story short, if you feel usefull enjoy 😃 if not just let the folder there it is part of ODFB schema.
Dec 06 2017 09:37 AM
I have this too. Its not part of the "E-mail attachments" issue.
Jan 10 2018 07:22 PM
I have the same problem and I'm not using Outlook. I use Gmail. Randomly attachment and document folders appear. I don't want them. Always delete them. It's super annoying. MICROSOFT PLEASE FIX!
Jan 11 2018 02:06 AM
The "Attachments" folder is where the email attachments are saved from OWA to ODfB: in fact, it was purposely introduced at the beginning of 2017 together with the ability to save attachments from OWA to ODfB. See https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/OneDrive-for-Business/Attachments-Folder/td-p/132411
It is automatically created in the root of each user's ODfB, also if you never use it, and it is recreated if it is deleted.
So, there is nothing to fix: this is by design.
Which other folders do you see magically appearing?
Jan 11 2018 05:51 AM
This answer doesn't make sense. I had an "E-mail attachments" folder created but I've changed all the attachment preference settings to "Always attach them as copies" (I like to control my own file locations, thank you). the "E-mail attachments" folder has not been seen since; the one we are asking about is called simply "Attachments" and regardless of someone's design, I have not chosen to use it, not been able to figure out what is creating it. I just want to be able to disable it.
As I said, I control my own file locations, than you very much, not Microsoft.
Jan 11 2018 06:17 AM
When attachments are downloaded from emails in Outlook to your OneDrive, it routes them to the Attachments folder. I tried this and it worked as explained in this article. Hope it helps. https://blogs.office.com/en-us/2015/05/18/outlook-web-app-onedrive-for-business-just-got-better/
Jan 11 2018 06:21 AM
There's a separate "E-mail attachments" folder that can be disabled.
I've set all my attachment settings to "Always attach them as copies" and I always "Save as" any attachments I need to keep so I can sort them out. I never would leave a default download destination, and I don't care if someone else wants to. We should be able to disable this "Attachments" folder and not see it again.
And still, no one has been able to say specifically what program is creating it, so I could even look for a setting at the user or admin level.