Forum Discussion

MiloInSanDiegoCA's avatar
Brass Contributor
May 16, 2023

Circular blue arrows never go away on many files

Win 11 user with OneDrive.  I create a lot of photoshop PSD files and, from them, JPG files.  At one point, those would all get a green checkmark after a bit, but for quite some time now, they all stay blue round arrow circles.  Likewise for many images saved from Snipping Tool.  I'm still able to save Word and Excel automatically to OneDrive, but I don't know what could have cause this to stop with picture files on my Documents folder.  

I've only used about 20% of my OneDrive space, so it's not about that.


You can see the clear line of delineation in the image from Exploring attached.  On Aug 5, I used Snipping Tool to create jpg "A" and it's got the green check.  But everything since, like image "B", created exactly the same way, stays blue arrows.  This keeps me from being able to access my work when on the road.  Would love some idea what could be stopping these files from moving successfully, since I don't see any error messages anywhere.


In the second screen print, you can see that it ALWAYS says "Syncing" in Exploring (Should it?  Should it ever just say "Synched"?) and that I've not filled my quota.

Help appreciated!

  • MrGenie's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    This problem is still in 2025, and if you search online you can see it's been around for at least a decade.

    I did some more testing, the EXACT same issue is with OneDrive, OwnCloud, NextCloud, and some others which makes me to believe it's maybe not an issue by each of these applications but something in the general DLL's provided by Microsoft.

    Sadly microsoft will of course just as with the MSXML3.DLL error I had to fix for Microsoft back in 2006 or 2007, can't remember exact year anymore, but they will ignore and deny it.

    Back then there's the Memory Allocation Error when loading tons of XML files for Civilization IV.

    Eventually after many testing and compilations of the sdk I could only conclude it has to be in the MSXML3.dll (of which I don't have the source) so I couldn't pinpoint it.

    But I reported it to MS and they basically said they are the supreme superior master race, they know everything, they are perfect and flawless..


    After many debugging without source sadly, but one can still do assembler and memory dumps and so forth I could proof it's the MSXML3.dll where the error is.

    I then send again with all my findings an email.

    2 weeks later they brought out the patch. NEVER acknowledged their racism, fascism and arrogance! 

    There's no "Thank you for doing our job" or a "Sorry we are racists and assholes here at MS" don't expect anything from the master race.

    That's the MS mode of operandi.

    So don't expect them to fix this bug. It ain't going to be fixed unless I or someone else, just as back then with the MSXML3.dll bug will invest hundreds of hours searching for bugs in MS source code, without us actually having the source code.

    Sadly I don't have the time anymore I had back then being a student. Now my time is too limited to fix yet again another bug for MS master race.

    Always keep in mind the people working for MS are the supreme superior master race. They are perfect and flawless and any issue you have, it's always you as the Untermensch who's to blame! Don't expect anything from MS, unless you do the work for them to pinpoint where the error is.


    And this error, my belly is usually extremely accurate, tells me is again in one of their dll's

  • screamindave's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    I have this exact issue. It's on my icloud as well. It's all frozen and not showing up on other computers. I'm really disappointed. Sounds like no one has an answer. I was on chat with icloud for an hour and they couldn't figure anything out. 

  • capr12's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I encountered similar circumstance with no solution. I was able to access the file on OneDrive in a web browser. I downloaded the file and used it to replace the file that could not be synced.
    • MiloInSanDiegoCA's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      capr12Interesting, but that sounds like you're dealing with one file.  For me, it's hundreds, with no rhyme or reason.  I absolutely cannont count on One-Drive when I travel because I never know whether it's going to be out there or not.  A pity because, when it works, it works well.

  • MiloInSanDiegoCA 

    The blue arrows on your OneDrive files indicate that the files are in the process of syncing with the cloud. This is a normal behavior of OneDrive and it means that the files are being uploaded or downloaded to/from the cloud .


    The green checkmark indicates that the file is synced and up-to-date with the cloud.

    If you’re seeing blue arrows on your files for an extended period of time, it could be due to a slow internet connection or a large number of files being synced at once.


    You can try pausing and resuming sync to see if that helps. If the issue persists, you can try resetting OneDrive or contacting OneDrive support for further assistance.


    If OneDrive shows “Processing changes" for a long time, it could be because you have an online file open, lots of files stuck in a queue, or a very large file syncing. Here are some possible solutions:

    1.Files On-Demand: If you opened an online file and are using Files On-Demand, mark the file as "Always Keep on this device".

    2.Syncing a lot of files: This can be resolved by pausing and then resuming your sync.

    3.Syncing a very large file: You can move large files out of your OneDrive storage folders, or choose not to sync folders which have large files.

    4.Temporary or hidden files: These may be blocking sync.
    If “Processing changes” remains, you can Reset OneDrive. Also, check if OneDrive is syncing that folder correctly or if any files in that folder are indicated as causing sync errors. If all else fails, you might want to consider unlinking OneDrive and running OneDrive setup again.

    Please note that it’s normal for the OneDrive status to always say “Syncing”. It’s continuously checking for any file changes to keep everything up-to-date.

    Once all files are synced, it should display “Synced”.



    • MrGenie's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Typical MS nonsense claiming MS to be flawless and perfect, the ultimate master race. 
      Ignoring the thousands of people over the years reporting this problem.

      Here's the update for you, it's not OneDrive, also OwnCloud and Nextcloud clients which both use ms default dll's have the same issue so it's a bug in some dll.

      I could find it just as I did for the MSXML3.dll years ago where MS in all their racism and arrogance claimed they are perfect, and eventually finally brought out a patch to fix it after I proven to them the fault is in msxml3.dll doing heap dumps, stack dumps, reading back in assembler, because MS doesn't share source code so it took me hundreds of hours to find the bug and once found could report it to MS.


      This bug is >99% likelihood also one of the .dll's sadly I am not a student anymore and don't have the time to do the job for MS to locate the error and fix it.
