Local Admin Rights for Azure AD Joined Devices

Copper Contributor

I have a group of users that need to install oracle18c on their machines but the exe is asking for local admin rights in order to install. I don't want to unjoin the machines from our azure AD domain. What can i do to get this app installed on these machines?

3 Replies

You can either pre-provision additional admin accounts when initially joining the device, or elevate them later. Read here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/devices/assign-local-admin

@Vasil MichevI looked at that. But the option to add "Additional local administrators on Azure AD joined devices" isn't there. 

It's available in my tenant. But you probably don't want to use that anyway, as it's a preset membership, across all devices. Simply use the manual elevation method instead.