Forum Discussion
VMware "Optimized" and no devices found
madasus1 We are seeing same issue. We have opened a ticket with VMware. Our only recourse has been to remove GPO for ZERO client users for now.
Thanks - will be very interested in what VMware say in response to your ticket. How long have you been waiting for a response?
- Ronsen78Nov 09, 2020Copper Contributor
We have exactly the same issue. Is there any news from VMware support yet or new findings?
- VelocitorITNov 09, 2020Copper Contributor
Ronsen78 vmware is not being too helpful, they standing by Optimize Mode is for 7.13/8.0 Horizon Client and that OS client only Win10 is supported (not TERA2). Teradici says their OS works on new version of Horizon and point to VMWare and Microsoft for Teams issues. So for now we only enable Optimizer Mode for end users only using the Horizon Client that have a Echo Problem. Still have tickets open with all 3x and working thru escalations. Will update if any progress is made
- madasus1Nov 09, 2020Copper Contributor
VelocitorITSame for us. We have a ticket now in escalation. No real response or workaround yet.