Reducing length of the sharepoint folder structure behind a Team

Copper Contributor

I am looking at strategies to shorten the file paths within my Team, because the Sharepoint folder structure became a bit too deep for File Explorer or even Office products to handle (long file path problem). The first strategy is simply to make the folder structure more horizontal -- OK, that's on me and the rest of the team. Other strategies though: 


The channel name is perhaps a bit longer than it needs to be. If I simply change the channel name in Teams ("Edit this channel"), does that also change the Sharepoint structure behind? I'm not willing to test it before some reasonable assurance, as I am concerned playing with Channel names can make things more confusing if it doesn't work.


The team name, like the channel name, should be shortened. In fact, I believe I already tried to do this many months ago, as the Team name as displayed in the Teams app reflects a modern naming convention our company uses, and the Sharepoint site is{name_that_reflects_older_naming_convention}. So this suggests I can't simply change the Team name and have that reflected in the sharepoint site name. Any comment on this?

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