Forum Discussion
Jan 26, 2024Copper Contributor
"The paramter is incorrent" error in new Teams client (VDI)
Hello We have a serious issue with the new Teams client in our VDI (Horizon) environment. After running fine for a while (can be multiple hours up to days) Teams crashes / vanishes with the follo...
- Sep 04, 2024Can you try modifying redirections.xml file in your existing FSLogix implementation, and add a new exclusion for the StartMenuExperienceHost TempState data.
<Exclude Copy="0">AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\TempState</Exclude>
Jun 01, 2024Copper Contributor
Hey Guys,
I've been trying to debug this this for WEEKS. At some point I certain that I've had surfed EVERY page on the web, but nobody came up with a fix that solved this problem in my envoiroment . Finally, just today, I managed to solve the problem for good.
My Users got exactly this error when tying to start the New Teams Client:
We are using a Remote Desktop Session Host envoiroment (RDSH, a.k.a. Terminalserver, operating on Windows Server 2022 (but I had the same error prior the InPlace-Upgrade on Server 2019), however we are NOT using FSLgix, like a hundred other buddys i found out there on the web, trying to solve this problem (apperantly they solved their problems by upgrading FSLogix).
My solution may sound stupid, but works 100% for two ADs that i manage. So... "If it's supid, but it works: It ain't stupid" 😉
In the end, the problem was caused by a GPO. I was able to solve the issue by adjusting this user-trageted GPO:
User Configuration > Preferences > Control Panel Settings > Internet Settings > Internet Explorer 10 > (Tab: General) > (Section Browsing history) > Settings. Here, my users hat an alternative path for their TEMP-Files:
I updated this setting by removing the path and leaving the setting blank:
I saved the GPO and as soon as my users logged in, the New Teams Client started like nothing ever happened.
Surely, I didn't go for this setting in the first place, but I found out that RDSH-Users without GPO could start the New Teams Client, users with a GPO assigned could not. So I narrowed it down, by cloning my PROD-GPO, assigning the Clone to a test user. Then I removed GPO-settings from the Clone bit by bit until I had a working New Teams - until finally, I narrowed it down to THIS specific setting.
I have no idea, why this setting is responsible for causing the problem, but after weeks of frustration, I only care for the problem to be finally fixed. All my >250 RDSH-Users are able to use the New Teams Client now.
EDIT: For everyone who is facing the same problem: My problem might have been caused in the first place by a registry setting, that we had in one of our user GPOs. This Registry-Setting is basically the same like the Internet Explorer 10 setting mentioned above. So if your system has the same issues like mine, it's work checking this setting too: User Configuration > Settings Registry
Jul 01, 2024Copper Contributor
I was able to fix the problem by adjusting Temp Folders Policy setting for the FSLogix profile container. If you don't redirect the INetCache, it seems to work.