Open chat file in error when generated a different language OneDrive "Teams Chat Files" folder

Copper Contributor

I use English and Japanese.

At first Teams generated different folder automatically on OneDrive folder.

Mostly works ok of those.


When I put a file on chat on Teams, the file goes into "Microsoft Teams チャット ファイル" file.

This works absolutely fine.


However when I put a file using iPhone Teams app, the files go into English name folder "Microsoft Teams Chat Files".

Then when I try to open the file in English folder on the file tab on top, Destock Teams appears pass wrong URL pass and fail to open the file.


Browser returns me 


It should be %20 instead for %2520 for a space.

This happens in certain condition only.



My PC default display language is Japanese

Windows10 20H2 OS build19042.867

Desktop MS Teams (64 bit) updated 2021/03/26


My Mobile is iPhone iOS 14.4.1

Teams app on the phone is 3.4.0



I call Japanese folder for JP folder and English folder for EN folder here.

Under OneDrive, there are two Teams folder generated automatically

EN folder: "\Microsoft Teams Chat Files" by iPhone app

JP folder: "\Microsoft Teams チャット ファイル" by desktop app


What happens is:

Put a file from PC on Teams chat, a file goes into JP folder on OneDrive.

This file works ok from my desktop Teams, Web Teams application, iPhone app, receiver's PC


However when I put a file from Team iPhone app chat, the files goes onto EN folder.

It sharing on chat ok and can see Files, ok to download.

However when click from File tab and try to open the file on browser, fail to open.

This happens my end and receiver computer as well.

I found it appears Desktop Teams generate wrong URL using %2520 for a space when the files on EN folder if trying to access from File tab menue.


Photo1. 2x folder under my OneDrive for Teams chat

JP folder"Microsoft Teams チャット ファイル" and

EN folder"Microsoft Teams Chat Files"

OneDrive Chat folder.png





Photo2. All files ok if click file from chat.

In this photo "CCK_08042021, from PC.pdf" under JP folder and

"CCK_08042021, from iPhone.pdf" under EN folder

Click file on chat conversion ok, can open file without any issue

Open from Chat.png














Photo3. Then goes "File(ファイル)" tab from top bar menu - 

Click "CCK_08042021, from PC.pdf" under JP folder - open ok

However, when click file on EN folder,

"CCK_08042021, from iPhone.pdf" under EN folder fail to open it.

It happens my computer and Receiver's computer.


We tried delete cash, uninstall and re-install.

Open file from Web application - all works fine

Open file from iPhone app - all works fine

Open file from chat converstion - all works fine

Downloads from File tab - down load ok

Click and try to open browser the file in EN folder, the browser returns 404 error


Open from File tab.png











I found when fails, the desktop Teams app apperas passing %2520 instead %20 for a space.

When desktop Teams app pass this URL to browser


fails and return 404

It shoud be %20 instead of %2520




I am not sure if this happens limited only our organization  but may have same issue if using multiple language.

Any solution to this?

2 Replies
When open from Teams, it apperas changed how it works and little bit better now.
When opening the file from "File Tab" before it tried to opem from the website but now changed to open in Teams app. So it shows file ok.
However still having an issue when clike ... and select open in browser, still replies to me 404 error as different link. If correct %2520 splace to %20 then can open file without problem.
Hopefully sorting our the issue perfectly... Anyway it is a little better now

Windows10 20H2 OS build19042.985
Teams Version (64-bit). It was last updated on 2021/05/24.

iPhone XS MAX iOS 14.4.2
iOS app Ver 3.7.0 build

Screenshot2 2021-05-25 124109.png


Open from File tab,

1&2, uploaded from PC all good to open

3&4 - file uploaded from iPhone app.

3 - Now ok to open by clicking from File tab menu because before tried to open from browser but now open in Team view.

4. Still having 404 error issue if I select Open in browser from file tab



Screenshot1 2021-05-25 124109.png

If open file from chat conversation, all ok to open. NO problem at all.

Again, this happens only limited condition as posted in the begning.
