Loop components - How to block users from adding a subject in voting table?

Copper Contributor


I was wondering if it is possible to prevent my colleagues from adding new topics in a voting table. 

Long story short, I made a quick "humorous" voting table to see who was off between Christmas and New Year. My two choices were: 1. I like this company too much, so I'll be working  2. I'll be on my 3rd egg nog bottle and will be home, doing absolutely nothing.

Well, some of my colleagues added votes like "I don't drink, so I'll be playing outside in the snow" or "Absent"... They didn't get the humour at all! 🙄


So I was wondering if it is possible to prevent voters from adding a new "voting subject", kind of like an election ballot?


Thanks in advance! 🙂

1 Reply

@WickedBB70 in this case i would strongly advice to use Microsoft Forms/polls instead. Loop is a collaboration tool which means everyone can edit it.



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