Feature request: current video call miniature placement

Copper Contributor

Hi Microsft Teams,


Thanks for this great piece of software,


It would be nice to beneficiate from two mini features dealing with the "mini meeting video windows" :

  • automatically place the mini video where the main meeting window was when minimized (left screen / right screen / etc.) -> for now it always places on the main screen - which is annoying when dealing with many large windows (i.e. a developer environment)
  • when de-minimizing and re-minimizing the meeting window, auto. place back the mini video call windows just where it was pixel perfect 



1 Reply
Best place to put suggestions such as these is over at the Feedback portal: https://feedbackportal.microsoft.com/feedback/forum/ad198462-1c1c-ec11-b6e7-0022481f8472